| Michigan AG Receives Death Threats over Clergy Abuse Probe
May 9, 2019
We are very sad that any law enforcement officer would face threats for doing his or her job and we are distressed that the Michigan attorney general has suffered in this way. We hope Michigan's bishops quickly and harshly condemn this hatred. Violence is never the answer.
For decades, police and prosecutors who pursued clerics who commit and conceal child sex crimes have been stonewalled, and Church officials have contributed to the unhealthy atmosphere that leads to threats of violence. While the Church hierarchy often postures as being the victims of governmental overreach, the reality is that they were often treated with too much deference in the past.
AG Nessel has been steadfast and strong in pursuit of the truth in Michigan. Such dedication should be met with thanks, not threats.
CONTACT: Zach Hiner, Executive Director (zhiner@snapnetwork.org, 517-974-9009)