At one Catholic Church in Arizona, the abuse scandal brings frustration, but faith remains strong
By Brieanna J Frank
Arizona Republic
April 22, 2019
The Rev. Rob Clements prepares for Palm Sunday mass at the ASU Catholic Newman Center in Tempe, Ariz. April 14, 2019. |
The Rev. Rob Clements walks out to the courtyard of the ASU Catholic Newman Center in Tempe, Ariz. April 14, 2019. Photo by Michael Chow |
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The All Saints Catholic Newman Center near Arizona State University's Tempe campus was busier than usual.
It was Palm Sunday, which begins the holiest week of the church year, culminating with Easter. By midafternoon, the Rev. Rob Clements was busy preparing for the 5 p.m. Mass, setting up the altar at the front of the sanctuary and ensuring that tables at the back were stocked with service programs and palm branches, which are distributed to the congregation on this day.
One man entered the empty sanctuary at about 3:45 p.m., made the sign of the cross as he entered the last row of pews and knelt in prayer for several minutes.
He then approached Clements, who had set up a table in a corner of the sanctuary, and the priest began hearing the hushed tones of the man's confession — one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church.
The man returned to the pew and prayed for only another minute or two before leaving the church, the first of several dozen people who showed up for confession Sunday afternoon prior to the Palm Sunday 5 p.m. service.
The scene contrasted findings in a Gallup poll published last month showing nearly 40 percent of American Catholics have questioned their involvement in the church because of the child sex-abuse scandals that continue to rock the institution in the United States and elsewhere.
A bombshell Pennsylvania grand jury report published last year revealed that more than 300 "predator priests" had abused more than 1,000 children across several decades in that state, providing new fuel to an issue that has hung over the church since widespread reports of abuse — and church leadership cover-ups — began surfacing in the early 2000s.
Clements, pastor and director of the Newman Center in Tempe, said he does not know of anyone who has left his congregation because of the scandal.
He said that though his congregants care about the issues within the larger Catholic institution, what matters most is that they can trust their local church. His, in particular, caters to many younger Catholics because of its location at the northwest corner of University Drive and College Avenue, across from the main ASU campus.
"Politics is local," he said. "For Catholics, it's all about their local connection. What's my parish like, my priest — do I feel a connection to him? This other stuff that's going on, it doesn't impact my world."
Faith stronger than 'sins of really evil men'
Several Palm Sunday churchgoers who spoke to The Arizona Republic were forthcoming about how they have come to terms with their continued church attendance amid still more revelations about the child-abuse crisis and church leaders who allowed the horrendous actions of abusive priests to continue for decades.
Angela Jungbluth, a 29-year-old lifelong Catholic who attended a Palm Sunday service, said she trusts the local church and that the string of sex-abuse revelations did not make her question her personal faith or involvement in the church.
“I think the truth runs deeper than the sins of really evil men,” she said. “For me, I’ve been convicted for a reason deeper than that. My faith is not held together because people are good, it’s more because God is good.”
Jungbluth said the scandal made her lose some trust in male Catholic leaders in general — the church does not allow women to be ordained as priests — but she believes the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix is blessed with “phenomenal” clergy.
Both she and Clements said Phoenix Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted has played a pivotal role in ensuring local clergy members adhere to the values of the faith.
Olmsted in August published a letter addressing the Pennsylvania revelations and overall scandal, noting his "deep level of sadness and anger" about the revelations surrounding Archbishop Theodore McCarrick and the Pennsylvania grand jury report.
"These shameful and evil actions have harmed many innocent people, especially the young; and they are utterly inexcusable," the letter read in part. "This has also caused great pain, confusion and dismay among us all — laity, religious and clergy — who remain committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are sorry that you have had to endure this anguish."
Olmsted went on to detail the goals of a nationwide crackdown on abuse within the church, which included an investigation into McCarrick, the creation of "new and confidential" channels to report complaints against bishops and advocacy for "more effective resolution of future complaints."
His letter, posted on the diocese website, included information about the diocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection, which states at the beginning that, "Anyone who has been a victim of abuse is encouraged to call a local law enforcement agency'' and links to other resources on the issue.
Phoenix diocese navigated scandal
For many Valley Catholics, last year's Philadelphia report may have brought back memories of a scandal within Phoenix's Catholic community that led to then-Bishop Thomas O'Brien admitting in 2003 to a cover-up of sexual abuse within the church. His admission granted him immunity from prosecution.
In addition to O'Brien's admission, the diocese entered agreements with former Maricopa County Attorney Richard Romley to appoint a curator to oversee internal church investigations and provide about $700,000 for treatment for victims.
Six priests were indicted as a result of the investigation spearheaded by Romley; two fled the country and others were sued in civil court. The Phoenix diocese was also made to accept conditions to try to prevent future abuses. Olmsted was appointed to the Phoenix diocese soon after.
But not everyone is satisfied today that enough has been done, noting new revelations.
Mary O'Day, a 54-year-old woman who said she also is a priest-abuse survivor, said she left the church when she was 12 years old. O'Day currently works with the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests in Phoenix, a support group for victims, and said she is "extremely disappointed" in the church's response to the abuse revelations.
"Abusers get moved and promoted, so what does that tell people?" she said.
O'Day believes members of the church must put more pressure on leaders to crack down on abuse and ensure that all abuse accusations are reported to civil authorities immediately.
Though she doesn't believe all priests are abusers, O'Day stressed that parents should always be careful when it comes to whom their children are left alone with.
"I often cringe when I see kids at a Catholic school and I think, 'I hope their parents are keeping a really good eye on them,'" she said.
"I would never let my children be alone with any clergy member for any reason, and I think that's a good practice in any institution."
'It just kind of deflated me'
Even though Jungbluth believes leaders such as Olmsted have to continue to "crack down" on abuse within the church, she said congregations also play an important role in helping victims and spreading the positive message of the Catholic Church.
“I think the laity has a specific calling to respond to this scandal,” she said. “It was by the laity that the truth came about, and something about that spoke to me. It wasn’t by those certain leaders that this came to light … it was by laity and that says something.”
Will Johns, a 27-year-old ASU student and lifelong Catholic, said the sex-abuse revelations did not prompt him to question his faith, though the scandal itself was discouraging.
“That doesn’t change who Jesus is, it doesn’t change the church that he started,” Johns said. “It (the church) just had bad shepherds and they’re being taken out.”
Though Johns said he believes priests who have sexually abused others are only a small percentage of the clergy, he said it was still “frustrating” to see any abuse of power within the church.
“It hurt me deeply that we look up to our priests, we look to them for spiritual guidance, we look to them as shepherds, as fathers,” he said. “To have it (sexual abuse) so widespread, it just kind of deflated me and took the wind out of my sails for a bit.”
Both Jungbluth and Johns said local clergy have mentioned the sex-abuse scandal at Masses and other church gatherings since the revelations last year. They applauded the Phoenix diocese’s efforts to be transparent about the shortcomings of the Catholic Church.
'You can't just act like it didn't happen'
Clements said openness is key to retaining trust within congregations, and that he himself mentioned the sex-abuse scandal in a homily last year.
"You can't just act like it didn't happen. At the same time, they're (the congregation) like, 'We don't have to hear about it every single week,'" he said. "You can't ignore it, even though it didn't impact us locally — nevertheless, we're part of the wider body."
Clements said the process for becoming a priest has become much more stringent in recent years because of the sex-abuse revelations, and that he cannot think of additional measures that the church is not already taking to prevent future abuses.
He added, though, that he believes the current process can be so strict that it disqualifies worthy candidates.
"I wonder sometimes if the apostles could have slipped past," he said. "There is nothing that is not going to be found or discovered. There is no area of a guy's life that is not going to be put under the microscope."
Clements said those areas can include any sexual experience or exposure to things such as pornography — even if those activities were not criminal.
"I worry sometimes now there's no room for failure, there's no room for redemption," he said. "It almost seems if there's one blotch in the guy's record they won't take him."
Clements said that despite the scandal, and the recent poll that found 37 percent of U.S. Catholics are considering leaving the church because of the abuse, he has seen a "reigniting" of interest in the church among young people.
He attributed that to "immense tension" in the world and other issues such as climate change that worry them and prompt them to seek out a source of comfort and consistency.
"I think that a lot of young adults are simply trying to connect," he said. "They are trying to find some stability, something that doesn't change, getting in touch with another world, another way of looking at things."
"In many ways, they're finding it hard to exist in life and the world and they're looking for an alternative to that."