| Building a Team; Lay Advisory Board; Guam's Finances
By Peter Feuerherd
National Catholic Reporter
April 17, 2019
Catholics on the island of Guam pray during Mass at Santa Barbara Church in 2017. (CNS/Reuters/Erik De Castro)
An author points to the Cincinnati Reds for lessons on building successful parish teams. Hint: Maybe he should have chosen the Boston Red Sox?
The Catholic bishops remind Congress that many of those fearing deportation are vital members of parishes across the country.
A Wisconsin parish twins with a counterpart in Haiti.
The New York Archdiocese Catholic Charities transforms closed Bronx parish properties into much-needed low-income housing.
A parish in a gentrifying Philadelphia neighborhood remembers the poor in its midst.
Mary Brady, 71, returns to serve on a lay advisory board for the St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese, after doing similar duties 40 years ago. This time, she hopes it will be different. Maybe she will be listened to.
What stage are you in? Listening sessions reveal that Catholics remain in various stages of doubt about their church as a result of the sex abuse crisis.
Parishes in the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, establish addiction ministries.
Hands off parish buildings, the Catholic Church in Guam says to creditors. The diocese is in financial distress over sex abuse cases.
A cautionary note for parish RCIA efforts: Don't rebaptize Orthodox Christians.
[Peter Feuerherd is a correspondent for NCR's Field Hospital series on parish life and is a professor of journalism at St. John's University, New York.]
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