More church excuses
Prince George Citizen
April 05, 2019
[with video]
Re: Praying for the sinners and the victims, March 30.
Another excuse for concentrating on the Catholic Church and not those victimized by the church.
Such as being concerned about "that damned Catholic," which is irrelevant to those who have been abused.
"... Their very nature altered by their vocation." Altered negatively so that they can abuse others? Is that it?
" ... Shackled to our vocation." Again what does this have to do with the victims except more flannel to avoid what happened to those sexually abused?
" ... Cover up scandals" "... the person is "part of the faith." Do the abused get comfort from this? They need more than prayers.
There is a concern to prevent future abuses by the church. The present victims of the Roman Catholic Church have to live with their abuse for the rest of their lives. The Vatican should continue to audit itself? Who audits the Vatican? Whether sexual crimes are far higher in the wider population we do not know. The church covers up its sexual crimes.
"Keep watch and pray." What satisfaction do the sexually abused of the Catholic Church get from this?
M. Warr, Prince George