| Public Invited to Listening Session on Clergy Abuse
April 2, 2019
Bishop Jerry Vincke and Provincial Minister Father Christopher Popravak, O.F.M.Cap., will host a listening session regarding clergy abuse.
The listening session will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 2 at St. Nicholas of Myra Church in Hays.
The public is invited to attend. Questions may be submitted anonymously in advance (email address is below), or at the listening session.
Contact: pledgetoheal@salinadiocese.org
Previous Story
Salina Diocese releases list of clergy with abuse allegations
The Catholic Diocese of Salina releases a list of clergy members with credible allegations of sexual abuse.
The list includes details substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor against 14 priests or brothers in the Diocese of Salina.
The release comes following an investigation ordered by Bishop Gerald Vincke last year into allegations of abuse within the Catholic Diocese of Salina. Vincke had ordered the audit through Cottonwood Law LLC of Hillsboro. The report has been turned over to the Kansas Attorney General's Office and the Kansas Bureau of Investigation.
It comes a day after the Order of Franciscan Minors Capuchin Province of St. Conrad, headquartered in Denver listed 13 others who have served in the Salina diocese at some point within their ministry and who have credible allegations of abuse of a minor. According, to the Salina Diocese, the Capuchins are a religious order who have had a strong presence within the Salina Diocese, particularly in the Hays and Victoria area.
"I ask for your continued support and prayers for our diocese," Vincke said in a statement. "Personally, I am praying for healing. I have offered numerous Masses in my chapel for the people who are victims of clergy abuse, and I have visited 29 parishes in our Diocese and offered a Mass of Healing. I will be visiting the remaining 57 parishes throughout the rest of 2019. I am sincerely grateful that the individuals who are victims of abuse and their families have spoken out. Thank you for keeping the Church accountable. Your courage will bring about the purification that we need. If you are a victim of abuse and have not reported it, please do so."
You can read the full detailed report on the Salina Diocese's Website or in their newspaper.
Any allegation of the abuse of a minor, may be reported to the Kansas Protection Report Center (1-800-922-5330), the KBI Crime Hotline (1-800-KSCRIME) or ClergyAbuse@kbi.ks.gov. The Diocese of Salina fully cooperates in all criminal investigations related to abuse perpetrated by a member of the clergy or other Church official.
For the safety of children and the healing of those who have suffered abuse, the Diocese of Salina provides the following means of reporting abuse:
Abuse Response Hotline (785) 825-0865
Abuse Response Email reportabuse@salinadiocese.org
Abuse Response Online Submission Form https://salinadiocese.formstack.com/forms/sexual_abuse_report
Reports will be responded to promptly by the Diocesan Assistance Coordinator. All reports are confidential with the exception of those involving the abuse of minors, which will be immediately reported by the diocese to the proper authorities, as required by Kansas State Law and Diocesan Policy.