| Bishop to Host Listening Session in Hays about Clergy Abuse
Hays Post
April 1, 2019
Bishop Jerry Vincke, Salina diocese
Hays Post
A listening session regarding clergy abuse will be held in Hays at 7 p.m. Tue., April 2 at St. Nicholas of Myra Church, 2901 E. 13th St.
Salina Bishop Jerry Vincke and Capuchin Provincial Minster Fr. Christopher Popravak of Denver will host the meeting. Questions can be emailed anonymously in advance to pledgetoheal@salinadiocese.org or asked during the session. The public is invited to attend.
The Salina Catholic Diocese on Friday released a list of 13 clergy members with substantiated allegations of clergy sexual abuse with a minor on its website and in its diocesan newspaper, The Register. The list coincides with a similarly themed list released March 28 by the Capuchins of Denver, in which 12 of 13 suspects had ties to Hays or Victoria.
The 13 clergy from the Salina Diocese served in more than 16 other northwest Kansas towns in various capacities.
Eleven of the men are deceased; two have been laicized. The alleged abuses took place between 1907 and 2002, with most occurring in the 1960s and 1970s.
Fr. Christopher Popravak, O.F.M.Cap., Provincial Minister, Denver
A current and updated list of substantiated allegations will be maintained on the diocesan website https://salinadiocese.org.
Any allegation of the abuse of a minor, may be reported to the Kansas Protection Report Center (1-800-922-5330), the KBI Crime Hotline (1-800-KSCRIME) or ClergyAbuse@kbi.ks.gov. The Diocese of Salina fully cooperates in all criminal investigations related to abuse perpetrated by a member of the clergy or other Church official.
For the safety of children and the healing of those who have suffered abuse, the Diocese of Salina provides the following means of reporting abuse: