| Take Back Program Focuses on Ending Abuse, Violence
By Ronald Fisher
Tribune- Democrat
April 1, 2019
An evening focusing on the mission of ending sexual, relationship and domestic violence will take place on April 25, as the Community Connection Team holds its annual Take Back the Night event from 6 to 9 p.m. at Bottle Works in Johnstown’s Cambria City neighborhood.
The international event has been held in more than 36 countries and 800 communities since it began more than 40 years ago.
This year marks the seventh annual event organized by the Community Connection Team.
“Over the years, the event has grown and more survivors are coming forward and speaking about their abuse and healing,” said Stephanie Rex, sexual assault and violent crimes counselor at Victim Services Inc. “Take Back the Night began as a protest and was intended to stop violence against women, men and children.
“This night allows survivors of abuse a chance to speak and a chance for a community to gain a better understanding of violence in our area,” she said. “It also gives a chance for unspoken survivors to listen to stories and recognize that they are not alone.”
The program will start with opening remarks, followed by survivors sharing their own personal stories, which will include survivors of recently convicted Dr. Johnnie “Jack” Barto, and clergy abuse survivor and advocate Shaun Dougherty.
Those in attendance will also be able to view “What I Wore?” It is an exhibit that showcases statements from survivors along with representations of the clothing they were wearing at the time of their assault. According to a recent press release, the display works to counter rape culture and end victim-blaming while vividly showing that the only person responsible for a sexual assault is the perpetrator who chooses to assault someone.
The free event will close with a bagpipe processional and “light-up” walk led by Jeffrey DeLisa.
Prior to the evening’s event, the Johnstown Running Club will host its third annual Take Back the Night Run. The 3- to 5-mile run is being organized by Stephanie Daniels, who started the running group in response to the experiences she had running alone.
The run will start at 5:30 p.m at Bottle Works.
For more information on the Take Back the Night Run, visit www.facebook.com/groups/117817154959390 or email Daniels at stephdaniels72@gmail.com