--Fr. Arthur Cooney, who was identified in 2013 in a Capuchin report as a current friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors. Cooney's name is included on this list without any additional information on claims against him except that he was removed from public ministry and living under supervision.
--Fr. Leopold Gleissner, who was identified in 2013 in a Capuchin report as a current friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors. Gleissner's name is included on this list without any additional information on claims against him except that he was removed from public ministry and was placed under supervision.
--Fr. Leonard R. Foisy, aNew Hampshirenative who also spent time inNew York,Montreal,WashingtonDCandMaryland. He held leadership positions in thee Sulpician religious order. In 1994, he was accused in a lawsuit of abusing a boy for four years in the 1960s inMichigan, when he was atSt. John'sSeminary inPlymouth. He died in 2016.
--Fr. Matthew Gottschalk, a Capuchin who is accused of molestingthree individuals inMilwaukeein the 1970s and in 1993. He admitted committing an "inappropriate" act against a minor. His religious order says most of the actions were not criminal acts according to the district attorney’s office. He now reportedly lives inDetroit.
--Fr. Clarence Rudolph Grosser, aCzechoslovakianative who grew up inWisconsin. In 2013, he was identified in a Capuchin report as a deceased friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors. Grosser's name is included on this list without any additional information on claims against him except that he went toNew YorkProvincein 1952. His obituary says he taught atMt.Calvaryminor seminary inWisconsinand worked at parishes inMilwaukeeWI,YonkersNY,BrooklynNY, andManhattan,NYand was assigned to friaries or chapels inHudsonNH, Garrison NY,SpringfieldMA, Milton MA and Abington MA. He died in 1989.
--Fr. Donald (John Baptist) Kurcz, who was identified in a 2013 Capuchin report as a former friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors. Kurcz's name is included on this list without any additional information on claims against him except that he left the order in 1958 and married.
--Fr. John P. McManus, aSulpician priest who worked in five archdioceses:Detroit,Seattle,Baltimore,San FranciscoandWashingtonDC. In 2016, his name was included on theSeattlearchdiocese's list of clergy and religious with admitted, established or credible allegations against them of sexual abuse of a minor. He died in 1986.
--Fr. Mathew Anthony Migan, who was identified in a 2013 Capuchin report as a deceased friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors. Migan's name is included on this list without any additional information on claims against him except that he went toNew YorkProvincein 1952. He died in 2018.
--Fr. John Ambrose Newton, who wasincluded on theGallupdiocese's 2014 list of credibly accused clerics He worked in Winslow AZ andSpringervilleAZin the 1950s and died inDetroitin 1966.
--Fr. Donald J. O'Shaughnessy, a Jesuit who was at theColombiereCenterinClarkston MIin the Detroit Archdiocese from 2008-2010.Much of his career was spent in theChicagoarchdiocese, where he was aLoyolaAcademyfaculty member inWillmetteIL. He also worked inIndianapolisIN,OaklandCAand threeOhiotowns:Cincinnati,ClevelandandMilford. O'Shaughnessy was removed from ministry in 2004 after credible accusations were reported that he perpetrated sexual abuse while working atLoyolaAcademy. His direct supervisors have settled with at least three former students who reported abuse. O'Shaughnessy died in 2013.
--Fr. James F. Rapp who worked inPennsylvania,Utah,New York,Illinois,MichiganandOklahoma. Accused of abuse of at least 2 MI boys in 1987. Removed, sent for counseling. Transferred to OK; abused several boys there. Convicted 1999 in OK; 40-year sentence. $5M settlement in OK civil suit. Accused in 2003Utahcivil suit by 2 brothers. Suit dismissed on statute of limitations. Dismissal upheld by UT Supreme Court 3/07. Charged 5/15 with 13 counts criminal sexual conduct re accusations of 1980s sexual abuse of boys at Lumen Christi High in Jackson MI. Six more counts added6/26/15. Pled no contest in 2/16. Sentenced to up to 40 yrs4/29/16. OnSaltLakediocese's list12/4/18. Accused 11/00-02 of abuse of 4 minors 1969-75.
--Fr. Austin Schlaefer, who was identified in a 2013 Capuchin audit report as a deceased friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors. He worked inMilwaukee,ChicagoandDetroitdied in 1992 inSaginaw.
--Fr.Wendelin (Leslie)Schafer, a Jackson MI native who did mission workin Central America for 52 years but retired and returned to Wisconsin. He was identified in a 2013 Capuchin audit report as a deceased friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors.
He died in 2005 inWisconsin.
--Fr. Joseph Smetana, who spent 31 years working inNicaragua. In a 2013 Capuchin report, he was identified as a current friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors. He has been removed from public ministry and is reportedly living under supervision.
--Fr. Robert Spader, whowas identified in a 2013 Capuchin report as a former friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors. He reportedly left the order at some point.
--Fr. Francis Sparacino who was identified in a 2013 Capuchin report as a current friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors. In 2013, he was reportedly living under supervision in a nursing home. Fr. Sparacino died in 2015.
--Fr. Kenneth Stewart who was identified in a 2013 Capuchin report as a former friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors.He wasreportedly removed from ministry. put under supervision, then left the order and was laicized (defrocked).
--Fr. James C. Walsh, who was charged in a civil lawsuit with allegedly molesting a student (Peter Isely 414 439 7259) at a Capuchin run high school and after graduation. The suit was tossed out because of the statute of limitations.
--Fr. James C. Wolf, who was charged in a civil lawsuit with allegedly molesting a student at a Capuchin run high school and after graduation. The suit was tossed out because of the statute of limitations.The boy, Peter Isely (44 429 7259) was living with
Capuchins while considering entering the priesthood.
According to the Official Catholic Directory, Fr. Wolf was at theSt. Bonaventure FriaryinDetroitin 2006. He also worked in threeWisconsintowns (Racine,CudahyandMilwaukee), two otherMichigansites (St.John the Evangelist inDetroitand St. Fidelis Friary inMarquette) in andMontana.
--Fr. Hilary Zach, who was identified in a 2013 Capuchin report as a deceased friar with confirmed reports of sexual abuse of minors.He wasreportedly removed from ministry. He spent several years at St. Lawrence Seminary as teacher and novice master and then became a hospital chaplain. Fr. Zach died in 1997.