| About
Journal Inquirer
March 8, 2019
The Journal Inquirer is published afternoons Monday through Friday and Saturday mornings in Manchester, Conn., and serves 17 towns in the north-central part of the state, including Enfield, East Hartford, and Vernon.
The JI was founded as a daily newspaper in 1968 upon the merger of two weekly newspapers, the Rockville Journal and The Inquirer of East Windsor and South Windsor. It is the only daily paper founded in the last century in Connecticut to have survived.
More than most newspapers, the Journal Inquirer stands for something. It is more questioning and critical than most newspapers. What is published in the Journal Inquirer is less likely to be influenced by considerations unrelated to the news. The Journal Inquirer's news and opinion columns are more accessible to its readers. In these circumstances the truth is more likely to emerge, and the people will be served better.
The Journal Inquirer seeks to inform and to entertain, and, where possible, to inform entertainingly. It seeks not only to watch government but also to reflect the life of its towns so well that the ties of community are strengthened.
We believe that the press has no privileges and no right to be arrogant and that the constitutional guarantees of free expression and inquiry apply to all people equally. But we also believe that every reader places a trust in us and that we become to an extent the public's representative, so in pursuit of the news we must observe what Elmer Davis called "the first and great commandment" - "Don't let them scare you." For if a newspaper is intimidated, whether by a particular interest or by complexity, a community may be manipulated, exploited, and deprived of its freedom.