| "Terrible Choice of Phrase': Robert Richter Apologises for "Plain Vanilla" Comment
By Simone Fox Koob
Morning Herald
February 28, 2019
Robert Richter, QC, leaves County Court on Wednesday.
Defence barrister Robert Richter, QC, has apologised for describing acts of sexual abuse carried out by Cardinal George Pell against two choirboys as "no more than a plain vanilla sexual penetration case".
The prominent Melbourne-based barrister was heavily criticised after he made the comments during a pre-sentencing hearing on Wednesday for Pell, who has been convicted of sexually abusing two boys in a sacristy after Sunday Mass in 1996.
"After spending a sleepless night reflecting upon the terrible choice of phrase I used in court during the course of a long and stressful process, I offer my sincerest apologies to all who were hurt or offended by it," Mr Richter said in a statement released on Thursday evening.
"No offence was intended. It was not intended to evade the seriousness of what had been done. The seriousness of the crime was acknowledged at the outset by the concession that merited imprisonment.
Cardinal George Pell leaving the County Court where was found guilty of child sexual offences.
"In seeking to mitigate the sentence I used a wholly inappropriate phrase for which I apologise profusely to all who interpreted it in a way it was never intended: it was in no way meant to belittle or minimise the suffering and hurt of victims of sex abuse, and in retrospect I can see why it caused great offence to many.
"I hope my apology is accepted as sincerely as it is meant and I will never repeat such carelessness in my choice of words which might offend," he said.
The cardinal was found guilty in December of orally raping one choirboy and molesting another in St Patrick’s Cathedral in East Melbourne in 1996. The verdict was made public on Tuesday after a suppression order was lifted.
The court heard that Pell will be classified as a serious sex offender once he is sentenced.
Mr Richter told the court on Wednesday that although the cardinal maintained that he was innocent, the crimes he had been found guilty of were short, not pre-meditated and no more than any other "plain vanilla case" of sexual penetration against a child.
Robert Richter QC leaves court on Tuesday.
When asked about whether he regretted describing Pell’s offending as "plain vanilla" outside court after the hearing, Mr Richter said he didn’t ‘‘know what [the reporter was] talking about’’.
The highly successful defence barrister is known for his colourful, theatrical style, in particular during cross-examination during criminal trials. Throughout his long career he has represented Melbourne gangland figures such as Mick Gatto.
During the trial, he said his client was perceived as the "Darth Vader" of the church, however, Judge Peter Kidd stressed to jurors they could not use Pell as scapegoat for church failings.
Mr Richter told the court in December the allegations levelled at Pell were a "far-fetched fantasy".
"Only a madman would attempt to rape boys in the priests' sacristy immediately after Sunday solemn mass," he told the jury in his closing address in early December last year.
He also said guilty verdicts weren't based on possibilities. It was also possible, he said, the court building could blow up. "But we don't conduct our lives on that basis."
Pell was found guilty on all charges after the jury spent three and a half days weighing up the allegations.
He was jailed following a pre-sentencing hearing on Monday morning.
Mr Richter's "plain vanilla" comments in court on Wednesday were widely criticised by trauma survivors and advocates, described by Dr Cathy Kezelman, the president Blue Knot Foundation National Centre of Excellence for Complex Trauma, the national organisation supporting survivors, as "profoundly damaging".
They were also criticised by Chief Commissioner of Police Graham Ashton, who told radio station 3AW: "Well we certainly don’t treat [child abuse] as plain vanilla offences."