| Priest Abuse Survivor: Nessel Right to Condemn Church-led Investigations
By Megan Banta
Lansing State Journal
February 22, 2019
For decades, Greg Guggemos couldn't remember the year he spent at St. Vincent Catholic Charities Children's Home.
It wasn't until memories came flooding back in 2009 that he realized that, when he and three siblings stayed there in 1954 in 1955, he had been sexually abused by Rev. John Slowey.
Guggemos, a former attorney who settled a decades-old sex abuse claim against the Diocese of Lansing for $225,000 in 2010, said Friday that it's hard for him to believe Catholic Church officials when they pledge to keep priests accountable.
"How can you even, with a straight face, expect someone to believe that?" Guggemos said. "It's like the fox loose in the hen house."
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is preparing for a long investigation into clergy abuse in Michigan. Nessel expects it could turn up more than 1,000 victims.
She said at a press conference Thursday that people should be wary of church-led investigations into clergy abuse, that they should look for a badge if someone asks to speak with them.
Guggemos said that's exactly right.
Greg Guggemos (Photo11: submitted photo)
'They obviously haven't done that in the past'
Guggemos says he has no respect for the Catholic Church.
He says when the repressed memories of his sexual abuse returned in 2009, the emotional and physical toil cause him to quit practicing law.
Though Guggemos considers himself "one of the lucky ones" and says speaking publicly about his experiences was "incredibly therapeutic," he still isn't free of the effects of abuse.
"I can't see a cross or walk by a church or drive by a church without my gut just being churned," he said.
So it's hard for him to believe officials who, like Bishop Earl Boyea of the Diocense of Lansing, say they'll reveal the names of priests with credible accusations against them following internal reviews, he said.
"I think the church policing itself is an absolute farce," Guggemos said. "They obviously haven't done that in the past."
And he finds it troubling that the attorney general's offices in many states — including Michigan — had to do surprise raids with subpoenas to get files on priests.
Reporting to law enforcement
The Lansing diocese has pledged to cooperate with Nessel's office throughout the investigation, no matter how long it takes. They also said in a statement on Thursday that they still plan to have an outside agency audit their files and to release names of priests who likely abused children.
And the diocese has revealed the names of priests with credible allegations in the past — including five priests last year.
Diocese spokesman Michael Diebold also said the group encourages people to report to law enforcement and that its general counsel reports alleged crimes to the attorney general and local prosecutors.
In its Thursday statement, the diocese directed anyone suspecting abuse to contact the state's hotline at 844-324-3374.
Zach Hiner, who heads the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said the St. Louis, Missouri-based organization also encourages people to follow that route and hopes "anyone who may have seen, suspected or suffered sexual violence in Michigan will turn to their local police and prosecutors when making a report."
Hiner called Nessel's comments "spot on."
"We know that institutions cannot police themselves, whether church, university, sports program or otherwise," Hiner said via email.