| Church in Oceania Still Shaken by Pedophilia Scandals
By Claire Lesegretain
LaCroix International
February 14, 2019
Members of the Royal Commission of inquiry into sexual abuse of children in Australia. (Photo by Jeremy Piper/AFP) This is the second in a five-part series on steps taken by Catholic bishops on the various continents.Australia, which has a 25 percent baptized Catholic population, has experienced a series of crises over the Church pedophilia scandal since the first accusations became public during the 1980s.In 1996, after a rising number of revelations, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) published its plans in a document entitled "Towards Healing" while the Archdiocese of Melbourne developed a plan of its own entitled "The Melbourne Response."The two protocols set out the procedures to be followed in cases of suspicion and reporting of abuse allegations involving a member of Church personnel.They included preventive...