| Catholic Abbot Didn't Report Abuse Allegation against Priest Jailed for Child Sex Offences
By Joe Duggan
February 8, 2019
Abbot Martin Shipperlee (Image: IICSA)
Abbot Martin Shipperlee of Ealing Abbey was head of St Benedict’s Junior School in West London from 1993 to 2000. David Pearce and Laurence Soper, two Benedictine monks from the abbey who taught at the ?16,845-a-year school, were jailed in 2009 and 2017 for historic child abuse offences. Two ex-teachers who taught at the school at the time of the sex-abuse allegations described the institution then as “a bit like the mafia”.
Abbot Shipperlee admitted to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) he failed to report a claim of abuse against Soper to the police when informed of it in 2001.
He said: “Because I simply did not believe that this was possible.
“I was outraged that such an accusation could be made against someone of whom I - well, it did not occur to me that it was possible that this sort of thing could happen.”
In October 2009, Pearce, a former junior school head master at St Benedict's, was jailed for eight years for abuse at the school from 1972 to 1992, as well as one offence in 2007.
Soper, the former Abbot, was jailed for 18 years at the Old Bailey in December 2017 after being on the run for five years.
He was arrested in Kosovo and extradited to the UK, where he was convicted of 19 counts of child sex abuse.
In a witness statement to the inquiry on Thursday, Abbot Shipperlee said he was unaware of receiving any complaints against Laurence Soper between 1980 and 2001.
The inquiry then heard a statement from a mother, whose four-year-old son was going to St Benedict’s junior school around 1997, saying a staff member had warned her about both Soper and Pearce.
Laurence Soper was jailed in 2017 for 18 years for child sex-abuse offences (Image: Metropolitan Police)
She wrote: “A senior member of the office staff approached me and told me not to leave my son, who would have been four at the time, on his own in the office at any time when Father David or Abbot Laurence were there.
“The person then told me that the child would be safer because they preferred boys with blond hair and blue eyes.
“The person then told me that Father David had been moved from the junior school to keep him away from the younger boys."
In October 2001, the Archdiocese of Westminster wrote to Abbot Shipperlee with a victim's claim of abuse by Soper.
David Pearce and Laurence Soper taught at St Benedicts School when the abuse took place (Image: NC)
A further letter in December, 2001 from the Archdiocese to Abbot Shiperlee said “the serious claim against Abbot Laurence Soper should be reported to the child protection team at Ealing Police Station”.
Inquiry counsel Riel Karmuy-Jones, QC, asked Abbot Shipperlee why he still had not informed the police despite being advised to do so.
He replied he was “convinced in my own mind it must be a spurious claim”.
Ms Karmuy-Jones said: “You took the view that your opinion of the situation had more weight than the opinion of the Diocese of Westminster?”
Abbot Shipperlee said: “Yes. I was wrong.”
Ms Karmuy-Jones replied: “Is that how you have approached safeguarding during your time?”
Abbot Shipperlee said: “No, you can see plenty of times when I have not done that, but you do have to make the judgment yourself.”
Despite not telling the police, Abbot Shipperlee went on to warn Bassingbourn Barracks - where Soper acted as chaplain in the army training regiment in 2002 - about the allegation.
In 2004, another allegation of rape and corporal punishment was made against Soper from the 1970s.
Abbot Shipperlee admitted not asking for a risk assessment about Soper as he “didn’t think it necessary”.
On Wednesday, the inquiry heard statements from two ex-teachers who described St Benedict’s at the time of the abuse allegations as “a bit like the mafia”.
One teacher said in a statement “if anybody complained or said anything about Pearce, Laurence Soper would protect him and to complain meant putting your job on the line.
“There had been a number of complaints against Pearce.”
Laurence Soper went on the run in Kosovo but was arrested in 2016 and extradited to UK (Image: NC)
A senior accounts assistant, who worked from 1995 to 2005, said she was warned by St Benedict’s senior school head master, Dr Tony Dachs after complaining about Pearce's behaviour.
In a statement, she said: “On most Friday afternoons when I was on my own in the office, Father David would bring two or three boys to his office.
“He would shut the door and cover the glass window in the door with paper so that nobody could see into the office.
“I can't remember how old they were, but they were not from the junior school, so would have been 11 or older.
“I was concerned about this so I contacted the headmaster, Dr Dachs. He told me, 'If you know what's good for you, keep your head down and do your job'.
“A short time later, I was talking to Abbot Laurence and I mentioned my concerns to him.
“He told me not to worry because the allegations against Father David were unfounded.
“I said that he was still around boys and Abbot Laurence said that Father David 'just liked little boys'.
“I asked why Father David had been moved from the junior school and he said because he was 'a sick man'."
Abbot Shipperlee also told the panel he "did nothing" despite hearing Pearce had "a preference for blond children".
The inquiry heard Pearce is now living in a flat and has his rent paid by Ealing Abbey through "charitable funds".
The IICSA is the largest ever Government inquiry and is expected to last until at least 2020.
It is looking at 13 different investigations, including the Catholic Church.