Making spiritual amends: Archbishop celebrates Mass for victims of priest sexual abuse
By Aaron Joseph
January 27, 2019
At the beginning of the liturgy, Archbishop Leonard Blair prostrated himself before the altar in silence, Aaron Joseph Republican-American |
More than 200 Catholics flocked to a Manchester church Sunday afternoon to pray for the victims of the priest sexual abuse scandal, the first of three such Masses planned in the Hartford archdiocese.
Archbishop Leonard Blair celebrated the Mass at the St. Bartholomew Church building of St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish in Manchester to make spiritual amends to victims of sexual abuse by priests, providing solace for those who attended.
“It was a beautiful reparation mass, and it brought peace to a lot of people’s hearts,” said Dorothy Brindisi. “The church is trying to do the right thing and bring people together and hope for the future.”
The Manchester Mass is the first of three Masses of Reparation Blair will celebrate throughout the archdiocese. After the Mass, Blair said it was meant to be “a very spiritual thing.
“This requires profoundly spiritual remedies, not only to victims but to God as well for sin and evil,” Blair said.
According to the Archdiocese of Hartford website, the Mass was offered “in an effort to apply spiritual remedies to the scandal and tragedy that has seriously wounded so many people in the church,” and “for the evil that has been done.”
The press was told they could not participate in Sunday’s Mass unless they were there to pray. Maria Zone, director of communications for the Archdiocese of Hartford, said reporters could conduct interviews only outside the church.
“Out of respect for sexual assault victims and others participating in the Mass, we thought it better they conduct them after the Mass,” she said.
Blair began the Mass in prostration, where the priest lies down in front of anyone in adoration or contrition, petition or submission, according to Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association.
“At the beginning of the liturgy, (Blair) prostrated himself before the altar in silence,” Zone said. “This is a gesture normally used only at the Good Friday Liturgy, and it is meant to be a sign of humility before God and of the need to implore divine mercy for human sinfulness, in this case the crime and sin of clerical sexual abuse of minors.”
“I thought it was appropriate to do here too as a sorrow for sin and as a sign of humility before God,” Blair said.
Father Jim Gregory of Woodbury/Bethlehem Prince of Peace Parish was one of the several priests who also took part in celebrating the Mass.
“I think it was a great witness to our faith that we not only make reparations for the law, but to make things right with God and seek God’s forgiveness,” Gregory said. “When one person suffers, the entire church suffers. We all suffer in our own way.”
Brindisi and others said it’s sad good churches and priests are being blamed for the acts of priests who did evil. “The church and the priests who are good are taking the brunt of this, which is too bad,” she said.
Her husband, Andy Brindisi, said people are angry at the church in general for covering up sexual abuse. Yet, “it wasn’t these people” who had anything to do with the cover up or sexual abuse, he said. Much of the abuse and cover-ups happened decades ago, long before many of today’s priests and bishops were around, he said, so they had nothing to do with it.
“You feel very sorry for the victims. Yes, it happens,” Brindisi said, adding that there are bad people in every profession.
Karen Cartier said the mood during the Mass was respectful and prayerful but not emotional.
“It was a regular Mass, but the archbishop during his homily was praying for forgiveness.
I think it’s the beginning of healing,” she said.
Cartier said that as a Catholic, she never put priests on pedestals, but instead puts more emphasis on the Holy Spirit. “They’re all human, and that’s why Jesus came, to redeem us,” she said.
Cynthia Bielawski, who was baptized and received first communion at the Manchester church, said the Catholic Church is doing what it can to make things right.
“The Catholic Church, we are one big family, and by participating, we’re helping the universal family of the church,” said Bielawski, who now lives in New Britain. “I just feel really bad about the whole situation. I feel bad for the victims, I’m praying for them as well.”
She said she feels awful that people are leaving the church because of the scandal.
“You can’t judge the church by the behavior of a few,” Bielawski said. “We’re here to heal all the wounds.”
Cartier agreed that there’s only a few “bad apples.
“But it does impact everybody, because it is your church,” Cartier said.
Cheshire resident Ted Merwin, who attends the church on the weekends, said the sexual abuse scandal is one that “should be rooted out mercilessly.
“Masses are always a good thing, and reparation is also a good thing,” Merwin said, adding that he is hopeful the Mass is healing for victims. “I can understand where the victims are coming from.”
Rev. Monsignor Robert O’Grady of Mary, Gate of Heaven Parish in Windsor Locks, who was one of the priests who celebrated the Mass, said it was very important for him to be there to “pray with the people.
“Everyone feels the same pain and hurt. Everyone feels the same anguish,” O’Grady said.
Earlier this week, the archdiocese released the names of 48 priests who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse. Sixteen of those 48 served in Waterbury, while others were in the Naugatuck Valley, Litchfield County and other areas.
The Archdiocese of Hartford also revealed this week it paid $50.6 million to settle 142 sexual abuse claims.
“I ask [–] the Church must ask [–] for forgiveness from those who have been victims of child sexual abuse by clergy, and from their parents, siblings, and friends. Healing and reconciliation continue to be an essential but not easy goal, given the terrible effects that these sins and crimes can cause in the lives of victims, to whom the Church owes the deepest expression of sorrow and apology,” Blair said in a statement earlier in the week.
The archdiocese also announced it has hired a former Connecticut Superior Court judge to investigate church records dating back from 1953 to determine any other credible allegations.
The website also states that any incident of sexual abuse should be reported to Kathleen Nowosadko, Victim Assistance Coordinator, at 860-541-6475, and to local authorities.