| List of 22 Clergy with Substantiated Claims of Sexual Abuse Released by Kck Archdiocese
By Katie Moore
Topeka Capital-Journal
January 25, 2019
The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas released Friday the names of 22 clergy with substantiated claims of sexual abuse involving a minor.
The Chicago office of law firm Husch Blackwell reviewed about 1,080 clergy files, according to the archdiocese’s publication The Leaven.
Of the 22 listed, 10 were priests in the archdiocese. Eleven have died and seven have been laicized. Laicization occurs when a cleric officially returns to the lay state.
One of the named priests, Martin Juarez, led St. Matthew’s Parish in Topeka. Scott Goodloe said in August that he was victimized from 1981 to 1984 by Juarez and a claim was settled in 1999.
A lawsuit filed last year accuses a “Father M.J.” of abuse. The lawsuit is ongoing in Wyandotte County, where the archdiocese is based.
“Survivors of sexual abuse have for many, many years asked the Church to make publicly known those wrapped in the robes of a priest who have abused children,” said attorney Rebecca Randles, who is representing the alleged victim in the case. “The partial list provided by the Archdiocese of Kansas is a start but does not go far enough to provide real transparency regarding abuse of children and vulnerable adults. It is our hope that the attorney general’s office will undergo a complete investigation similar to that in Pennsylvania.”
A grand jury report on six dioceses in Pennsylvania, released in August, found more than 1,000 child victims. It included details about how priests used religious rituals and the threat of eternity in hell to rape children, the Associated Press reported.