| Green Bay Diocese Releases Names of Clergy in Sex Abuse Investigation
By Sarah Thomsen
January 17, 2019
The Catholic Diocese of Green Bay says an investigation has found 47 clergy members with "substantiated allegations of sexual abuse of a minor."
There are 98 victims.
The names of 46 of the 47 priests were released on the Diocese website. One name is being withheld by the Diocese pending further review.
"It is important to state that there are currently no known priests serving in active ministry in the Diocese of Green Bay who have had a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a minor against them," says Rev. John Girotti, Vicar for Canonical Services.
These names are the result of completed investigations. The priests were assigned to multiple parishes over the years. Click on the name for more information on where they served.
Allegation received and investigated while priest was alive or substantiated allegations were received and investigated after the priest had died.
Donald Becker (multiple allegations)
Dennis Bouche (Single allegation)
David Boyea (multiple allegations)
Stanley Browne (single allegation)
Donald Buzanowski (multiple allegations)
Michael Carroll (multiple allegations)
John Conrad (single allegation)
August Dusold (multiple allegations)
William Eberhardy (multiple allegations)
Simeon Engl (multiple allegations)
John Feeney (multiple allegations)
Bernard Geimer (multiple allegations)
Daniel Gilsdorf (single allegation)
Ralph Hermsen (multiple allegations)
Richard Heyman (multiple allegations)
Philip Hoffmann (multiple allegations)
Leroy Hogan (multiple allegations)
William Kiernan (multiple allegations)
Jerome Koerner (single allegation)
John Koprowski (single allegation)
Nicholas Langenfeld (single allegation)
Clarence Leitermann (multiple allegations)
Norbert Rank (multiple allegations)
Francis Reinke (single allegation)
Kenneth Rodgers (single allegation)
Donald Rose (single allegation)
Tito Sammut (multiple allegations)
Eugene Schmidt (multiple allegations)
Ronald Schneider (multiple allegations)
Earl Schuh (single allegation)
Thomas Stocker (multiple allegations)
Richard Thomas (single allegation)
Robert Thompson (single allegation)
Gerald van Nuland (multiple allegations)
Alphonse Wagner (multiple allegations)
Jerome Watry (single allegation)