Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese, Bishop Zubik, Cardinal Wuerl Face New Lawsuit
By Meghan Schiller
January 14, 2019
[with video]
Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Bishop David Zubik and the Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese are facing new accusations in the form of a newly-filed lawsuits.
The two suits were filed last Friday against all three, according to our news partners at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
The lawsuits allege that both Wuerl and Zubik knew about the abuse allegations against two priests, but did nothing.
The first priest is identified as Fr. Thomas O’Donnell.
The alleged victim met him at Annunciation Catholic School in Perry South. The lawsuit says the alleged abuse began when the victim turned 12.
The second lawsuit centers on Fr. Raymond Rhoden. That victim met him at Nativity of Our Lord Catholic Church in Perry North. The alleged abuse began when that victim was also 12.
According to the lawsuit, both victims said the priests would allegedly invite them over for tours of the church, take them down to the basement, or into a car, a place away from other children.
Fr. O’Donnell even allegedly brought one victim on a trip to the Super Bowl in Miami. The victim described it as a week of torture.
Fr. O’Donnell’s whereabouts are still not clear. His last listed assignment was at Epiphany Church in the Hill District in 2014. Bishop Zubik removed his priestly duties last year.
Fr. Rhoden withdrew from ministry in 2002 and died in 2006.
Contact: mschiller@kdka.com