Jefferson County family wants to add clergy as mandated abuse reporters
By Katie Moore
Capitol Journal
January 13, 2019
Lori Cook is working to get clergy added to Kansas’ list of mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. Photo by Katie Moore |
A Jefferson County family wants to introduce a bill during the 2019 legislative session, which begins Monday, making clergy mandated reporters of child abuse.
Lori Cook said she was called to action after learning her son had been sexually abused by two other boys. The abuse started in October 2017 and continued until her son, who is now 12, came forward about two months later.
“As a mother you don’t know how to prepare yourself to deal with a situation like this and to see the fear in my son’s eyes,” she said.
The Cook family alleges the abuse began at Eagle Rock Church in Lawrence and that they brought it to the church’s attention as soon as they found out.
“We decided our best course, because we trusted them, was to go to our pastor,” Cook said. “So we called him immediately and said we needed to come in.”
Cook said she “felt completely let down” by the church’s response, which included asking for 24 hours to pray over the issue.
Cook and her husband, Larry, instead decided to report the incidents to the authorities.
A rape kit was performed. A document from Children’s Mercy shows a diagnosis of child sexual abuse, though no criminal charges have been filed.
A plan of action drafted by the church and sent to the couple indicates the church was going to interview the two boys.
Cook said communication deteriorated and “we were basically asked not to come back.”
Attempts by The Topeka Capital-Journal to reach the church by phone and email weren’t successful. In a statement previously released by the church, officials said the organization followed protocol and gave immediate attention to the situation. Officials said they cooperated with authorities and gave the families involved “an opportunity to receive extensive counseling on sexual exploration, including a section specifically for same-sex minor children, but the reporting family refused.”
Cook said she feels like the church attempted to delay an investigation. If clergy were mandated reporters, the investigation wouldn’t have been impeded, she contends.
The family started Kids Voice Kansas to advocate for the change.
Gov.-elect Laura Kelly said she wasn’t familiar with the specifics but that “it makes some sense.”
At least 28 states have laws listing clergy as mandated reporters. However, the laws vary because some communications with clergy are privileged, according to a document published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Kansas requires teachers, law enforcement officers, physicians, mental health providers and others to report child abuse or neglect, according to the Department for Children and Family website.
Cook said she believes adding clergy would instill a sense of trust for youths in their pastors.
“We feel that God can create beauty out of ashes, and if we can stop one child from going through what our family has gone through, then it’s worth it,” she said.
The Cooks plan to be at the Statehouse on Monday afternoon when the Legislature reconvenes.