| German Cardinal Calls Outcry over Church Sex Abuse Crisis Hypocritical
By Joshua Gill
Daily Caller
January 4, 2019
A German cardinal lambasted the furor over the Catholic Church’s global sex abuse crisis as hypocritical, saying society perpetuates the same crimes outside the church.
Cardinal Walter Brandmueller’s comments, published Friday, come in the wake of a church-commissioned report that revealed German clergy abused no less than 3,677 people from 1964 to 2014. The report prompted an apology from one of Germany’s leading bishops, but Brandmueller was quoted Friday as telling reporters that “society is behaving pretty hypocritically” in response to the sex abuse crisis.
“What happened in the church in terms of abuse is nothing different from what happens in society in general,” Brandmueller said, according to The Associated Press.
Brandmueller also stated that society overlooks what he believes to be the true cause of the abuse crisis: homosexuality among the clergy.