| PROTEST of Catholic Church's Handling of Clergy Sex Abuse Allegations
By Jessica D'Onofrio
January 2, 2019
Hundreds of Bishops from across the country will gather in north suburban Mundelein Wednesday for the start of a week-long spiritual retreat. This comes amid growing outrage over clergy sexual abuse.
Protesters are outraged over how the sex abuse scandal has been handled and they have several demands of the Catholic Church.
This demonstration also comes following the discovery of a stunning Vatican letter which blocked U.S. bishops from addressing the church's sex-abuse scandal. Anti-clergy abuse activists say the summit will have "no credibility" if it's led by prelates who cover-up sex crimes against children.
During Wednesday's protest, activists will call on Pope Francis to remove Cardinal Blase Cupich from his prominent role in the upcoming February worldwide Papal Summit on Abuse.
A scathing preliminary report issued recently by Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan revealed that at least 500 clerical predators were not reported by Cardinal Cupich and his fellow Illinois bishops.
"What is absolutely incredible, I think to survivors and others, is the Illinois preliminary report by the attorney general that is shocking, that demonstrates that Cardinal Cupich, who is the chairman of the bishops of Illinois has withheld 500 names of alleged predator priests," said Peter Isely, spokesman for Ending Clergy Abuse. "Obviously, that is not the man who is going to lead reform."
Cupich has expressed profound regret in the past of the whole church for failures to address the scourge of sexual abuse. In a tweet Tuesday, Cupich said, "As we begin our retreat tomorrow at @MundeleinSem I ask your prayers for all @USCCB bishops. With your support, we will pray and prepare to take action as we deepen our sacred commitment to keeping young people safe."