Vatican spokesman and his deputy resign unexpectedly
By Chico Harlan
December 31, 2018
This picture taken on Jan. 22, 2018, shows Pope Francis answering journalists flanked by the director of the Vatican press office, Greg Burke, returning from a trip to Chile and Peru. Photo by Vincenzo Pinto |
The Vatican capped a tumultuous year Monday by announcing the unexpected resignations of its head spokesman, Greg Burke, and his deputy, the figures most responsible for day-to-day dealings with the media.
The statement provided no reason for the departures of Burke and Paloma Garcia Ovejero, but the moves follow the Vatican’s overhaul this year of much of its communications office. Earlier this month, Pope Francis named Andrea Tornielli, a veteran Italian journalist, as the editorial director for Vatican communications.
On Twitter, Burke said the resignations would be effective Jan. 1.
“At this time of transition in Vatican communications, we think it’s best the Holy Father is completely free to assemble a new team,” Burke wrote.
The head of the Vatican’s communications office, Paolo Ruffini, who was also appointed to his job this year, said the resignations were “autonomous” and of “free choice.”
Neither Burke nor Ovejero could be immediately reached for comment.
As leaders of the Vatican’s press office, the pair were well-known figures for journalists covering the Holy See. Burke accompanied Francis on trips outside of Rome, and this year he released multiple statements about the Vatican’s response to various sexual abuse scandals.
Francis has faced increasing scrutiny for his handling of the scourge, with many abuse victims and advocates calling on the Vatican to improve its transparency.
The Vatican said that Alessandro Gisotti, a social media coordinator in its communications office, would serve as an interim replacement.