3 Jesuits formerly missioned in Indianapolis accused of sexually abusing minors
By Andrew Clark
Indianapolis Star
December 17, 2018
Adrienne Doolan, left, holds a sign while her daughter Reagan sits close by during the demonstration for statute of limitations reform to the state's childhood sexual abuse laws at the state capitol in Harrisburg on Monday, Oct. 15, 2018. Photo by Paul Kuehnel |
[with video]
Three Jesuits formerly missioned at Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School in Indianapolis have been accused of sexually abusing minors during their time at the school.
On Monday, the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus released the names of Jesuits against whom there has been at least one "established allegation" of sexual abuse of a minor since 1955. The organization defines an "established allegation" as a case in which "there is a reasonable certainty that the sexual abuse of a minor occurred."
"The Midwest Jesuits take this step in the spirit of transparency and reconciliation," the Rev. Brian G. Paulson, S.J., said in a letter on the organization's website. "As we look back at our history, the failures of the Society of Jesus and the Church to protect those entrusted to its care fill our hearts with outrage, sorrow and shame. On behalf of the Midwest Jesuits, I apologize to victim-survivors and their families for the harm and suffering you have endured."
Five of the priests on the list had ties to Indiana, three of whom were once missioned at Brebeuf.
Michael E. Dorrler
Michael E. Dorrler, S.J., had at least one incident with a minor while missioned at Brebeuf in 1990, the organization says. Since the incident, Dorrler has been permanently removed from public ministry.
Bernard P. Knoth
Bernard P. Knoth, S.J., had at least one incident with a minor while missioned at Brebeuf from 1986 to 1988, according to the organization. Knoth was dismissed and laicized on Aug. 29, 2009.
According to the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Knoth was accused of sexually abusing a minor in 1978. It is unclear if the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus reports refer to the same incident.
Donald J. O'Shaughnessy
Donald J. O'Shaughnessy, S.J., had at least one incident with a minor while missioned at Brebeuf in the 1960s, the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus says. O'Shaughnessy died in 2013. He also had at least one incident with a minor in Wilmette, Illinois, in the 1970s, according to the organization.
In October, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis said O'Shaughnessy was accused of sexually abusing two minors in 1965. It is unclear if the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus reports refer to the same incidents.
Thomas M. Gannon and Charles E. Sullivan
The two other priests with Indiana ties on the list are Thomas M. Gannon, S.J., and Charles E. Sullivan, S.J. Gannon had two incidents in Chicago, one in Cleveland and one in Gary, Indiana, the organization says. The incident in Gary occurred at St. James Church in 1983. Gannon died in 2011.
Sullivan had at least one incident from 1958 to 1959 at Our Lady of the Springs Church in French Lick, Indiana, the organization says. Sullivan died in 1996. The allegation against him was made after his death, the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus says.
The full list from the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus contains the names of Jesuits in the following other states: Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, part of Ohio and part of Iowa. The list names more than 60 Jesuits, some of whom, however, are not accused of sexually abusing one or more minors. The third section of the list contains Jesuits whose names have been published on a diocesan website, Jesuit province website, named in a civil lawsuit, named within a bankruptcy court process, and/or named in a grand jury report.
The new list from the Midwest Province of the Society of Jesus comes two months after the Archdiocese of Indianapolis released the names of more than 20 priests associated with the archdiocese who have at least one "credible" claim of sex abuse of a child or adolescent against them. In September, the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend also released the names of priests "credibly" accused of sexually abusing minors.
The release of these priests' names also follows an August report from a Pennsylvania grand jury that details graphic allegations of widespread child sexual abuse involving hundreds of priests across much of that state. Five priests named in that sweeping report have Indiana ties.
IndyStar reached out to Brebeuf on Monday seeking comment. This story will be updated when we receive a response.
How to report sexual abuse
Those who have been the victim of sexual abuse or harassment by a member of the clergy are encouraged to contact civil authorities and the archdiocesan victim assistance coordinator, Carla Hill. Hill can be reached 317-236-1548 or 800-382-9836, ext. 1548, or by email at carlahill@archindy.org. Reports can also be submitted online at archdioceseofindianapolis.ethicspoint.com.
Contact: andrew.clark@indystar.com