| FBI Agents Working Probe of Buffalo Diocese Busy Interviewing Clients of Noted Boston Attorney
By Steve Brown
December 14, 2018
Mitchell Garabedian is not hesitant about sharing his feelings on the Roman Catholic Church.
“The Catholic Church is drunk with power. Take away their robes, take away their religion as Catholic priests and they’re just criminals,” said Garabedian.
Garabedian has spent decades representing victims of clergy sex abuse.
Wednesday, in an interview in his Boston office, Garabedian disclosed a number of his clients claiming clergy sex abuse in the Buffalo Catholic Diocese have been interviewed by the FBI.
"Approximately ten", said Garabedian.
The Buffalo Diocese has been the focus of a federal criminal investigation for months. Diocesan official reports receiving a pair of subpoenas, but little else is known about the probe. Neither the Buffalo FBI office or the US Attorney's office will even acknowledge there is an investigation.
Ask what agents might have asked his clients about Garabedians said, "I can tell you right now they’re interested in crime of sexual abuse and the cover-up of those crimes.”
But Garabedian would not get into specifics.
The Boston attorney also represents Siobhan O'Connor, the whistle-blower who leaked internal documents while she worked as Bishop Richard Malone's executive assistant.
When asked if O'Connor had been interviewed by the feds, Garabedian said, "I cannot comment."