Accused abusers continue to work in independent Baptist churches, report says
By Amelia Ferrell Knisely
Nashville Tennessean
December 09, 2018
A sign for Nolensville Road Baptist Church in South Nashville. Photo by Adam Tamburin |
Matthew Dennis Patterson, known as Denny, is accused of molesting at least eight children while he was pastor at Nolensville Road Baptist Church. |
Pastors in independent fundamental Baptist churches have for the first time admitted they shuffled suspected abusers among churches and universities rather than call law enforcement.
It's according to an eight-month investigation by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram that includes first-hand accounts from former church members.
The report reveals 186 church leaders in the denomination were accused or convicted of committing sexual crimes against children, and at least 45 of the alleged abusers continued in ministry — including in Tennessee — after accusations came to the attention of church authorities or law enforcement.
These pastors often shipped suspected abusers to other churches or church-affiliated schools led by one of their friends or recommended them for another position without notifying the church or school about the allegations, according to the report.
Current and former church members told the Star-Telegram that many pastors "build authority through fear and interpretation of Bible verses," and the culture keeps victims from seeking outside help from law enforcement.
“The philosophy is you don’t air your dirty laundry in front of everyone. Pastors think if they keep it on the down-low, it won’t impact anyone. And then the other philosophy is it’s wrong to say anything bad about another preacher," said Stacey Shiflett, an independent fundamental Baptist pastor in Dundalk, Maryland.
Investigation details abuse at Tennessee churches
The Star-Telegram discovered at least 412 allegations of sexual misconduct in 187 independent fundamental Baptist churches and their affiliated institutions.
The allegations span 40 states, including Tennessee.
The following churches are where an alleged abuser has worked or worked before or after the alleged abuse occurred:
Bethlehem Baptist Church in Henderson
Bible Truth Baptist Church in Bristol
Cookeville Christian School
Hillview Baptist Church in Dickson
Mountain View Independent Baptist Church in La Follette
Nolensville Road Baptist Church in Nashville
Family Baptist Church in Columbia
Heartland Baptist Church in Murfreesboro
Valley View Baptist Church in Whitwell
Waldridge Baptist Church in Knoxville
An interactive map in the online report shows names and details of the alleged abuse.
Some of the incidents in Tennessee occurred earlier this year, like in Nashville, where Metro police arrested a pastor at Nolensville Road Baptist Church who was accused of molesting several children across two decades.
The first part of the four-part series includes the story of Dave Hyles, a pastor originally from Indiana, who has been shuffled from church to church across the country after three teens accused him of sexual misconduct. Hyles now oversees a ministry for pastors who have fallen into sin, supported by Family Baptist Church in Columbia.
He never faced charges or sat for a police interview related to the accusations, according to the report.