Jesuits name accused priests, including 20 who worked in Oregon
By Jeff Manning
December 8, 2018
Jesuits West released the names Friday of 111 Jesuit priests who have been credibily accused of sexual abuse against minors. Twenty of the priests worked in Oregon at least part of their careers. |
An organization overseeing Jesuit operations in 10 states released the names Friday of 111 Jesuit priests who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse against minors. Twenty of the priests worked in Oregon at least part of their careers.
The alleged cases of abuse date back to 1950. Eighty-three of the 111 accused are dead.
Nine of the 111 spent time at Jesuit High School, the exclusive westside private school.
“We did this out of a desire for transparency,” said Tracey Primrose, director of communications for Jesuits West, which is based in Portland. “We hope this will allow the victims to heal.”
The Jesuits are an influential order of priests numbering more than 16,000 worldwide. Jesuits also operate several high schools and universities, including St. Louis University and Marquette University.
The Jesuits have previously settled lawsuits across the country, including a $166 million settlement involving about 500 abuse claims in Oregon in 2011, which was one of the largest settlements involving clergy abuse allegations.
Since the first cases of widespread clergy sexual abuse in the early 2000s, the Jesuits say they have significantly modified how they deal with accusations of abuse. Jesuits West says it has adopted a zero-tolerance policy for credible allegations made against Jesuits involving minors or vulnerable adults and stringent procedures to ensure the safety of minors. No Jesuit who has a credible allegation of sexually abusing a minor is allowed to remain in public ministry, the group claims.
Jesuits West said its review of priest behavior is not over. The group has hired Dr. Kathleen McChesney, a former senior manager at the FBI, to go through its files in the spring of 2019. If additional cases of Jesuits with credible allegations of abuse are identified, the group says, it will release those names as well.
Jesuit High School President Thomas Arndofer said in a letter to parents that protecting students “will always be our foremost priority.” He noted that of the nine alleged abusers who worked at the school, the most recent employee left 25 years ago in 1993. Of the nine individuals accused, seven are now deceased, one has been removed from ministry and lives in California, and one was dismissed from the Jesuits in 1974.
Anyone who feels victimized by a Jesuit is urged to contact both Mary Pat Panighetti, Advocacy Coordinator for Jesuits West, at 408-893-8398, and appropriate law enforcement and child-protective agencies.
Among the 111 names in the Jesuits West report are several with Oregon connections. Their names are below, along with their local work histories, when available.
The Rev. Arnold Beezer -- Jesuit High School, St. Luke Church, Woodburn, several Portland-area hospitals, 1966-1980.
The Rev. William Bischoff -- Campion Hall, Portland, 1967-68
The Rev. Francis Callan -- St. Mary’s, Pendleton, 1957-68
The Rev. James McDonough -- Jesuit High School, 1974-78
The Rev. Francis Duffy -- Jesuit High School, St. Luke
The Rev. James Hurley -- Jesuit High School, St. Mary’s Pendleton, 1973-1985
The Rev. James Jacobsen -- Oregon State Penitentiary, 1980-2005
The Rev. Gordon Keys -- Jesuit High School, St. Vincent’s Hospital, 1965-90
The Rev. David King -- Jesuit High School, 1965-1993
The Rev. Leonard Kohlman -- Campion Hall, Portland, 1954-55
The Rev. John Leary -- Provincial Residency, Portland, 1991-92
The Rev. Gabriel Menager -- St. Ignatius, Portland
The Rev. John P. O’Brien -- Sheridan
The Rev. Paul O’Connor -- Campion Hall, Portland, 1959-60
The Rev. Peter O’Grady -- St. Ignatius
The Rev. Patrick J. O’Reilly -- N/A
The Rev. Sylvester Penna -- St. Katherine’s, Enterprise, 1972-73
The Rev. James E. Poole -- Jesuit High School, 1964-65
The Rev. Edmund Robinson -- St. Luke, Woodburn, 1985-86
The Rev. Theodore Hilaire, Jesuit High School, 1961-64
The Rev. Ignatius Jakes, Jesuit High School, 1968-72
-- Jeff Manning, The Oregonian/OregonLive