Syracuse diocese: List of sexually abusive priests might be incomplete
By Julie Mcmahon
December 5, 2018
Michael Greenlar |
The Catholic Diocese of Syracuse has acknowledged its list of 57 priests accused of child sex abuse could be incomplete.
The diocese published the list for the first time on Monday, after years of advocates calling for more transparency in the handling of clergy sex abuse cases.
A chorus of those same advocates -- including victims and lawyers -- now say the list is incomplete. Three survivors of clergy sex abuse and three lawyers who have represented victims told they were aware of allegations against priests who were not on the list.
Diocese Chancellor Danielle Cummings said her office has heard from people who believe the list is incomplete.
As allegations surface, the diocese will investigate and update the list as needed, Cummings said. The list is published on the diocese's website. Cummings said she expects to make a public announcement if any new names are added.
The diocese is still investigating allegations concerning conduct from decades ago, Cummings said. The allegations surfaced in the last year as the diocese started a compensation program for victims, she said.
Yet advocates say the list also excludes names of priests who were reported to the diocese years or even decades ago.
Cummings said the diocese investigates and reports each claim to the district attorney in the county where the abuse is alleged to have occurred.
A Diocesan Review Board, made up of lay people and clergy members, oversees investigations. The board determines if a claim is credible based on at least one of the following three criteria:
The claim is "reasonable, plausible and probable."
The claim can be corroborated with evidence or other sources.
The abuse is admitted by the accused.
"If a name is not on the list, the Diocesan Review Board determined it was not a credible allegation," Cummings said.
In an interview Monday, Bishop Robert Cunningham said the number of accused priests who were "cleared" by the diocese is relatively small.
Charles Bailey, a survivor of abuse himself and leader of the local Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, said the list was "riddled with inconsistencies, errors and omissions."
He takes issue with how the diocese reported the name of his abuser, Rev. Thomas Neary. Bailey said Neary raped him hundreds of times beginning when he was 10 years old.
The diocese included Neary on a list of 20 priests against whom allegations were reported after their deaths and might not be substantiated.
Bailey said he has talked to other victims of Neary who say they reported their abuse to the diocese prior to Neary's death in 2001.
Bailey and others are calling for the diocese to release additional information about the priests, including how and when they were removed from ministry, what the nature and extent of the abuse was, and in the case of living priests, where they are now.
"Just to throw their name out there is nowhere near enough," Bailey said. "Give us the full story."
George O'Neil, a survivor of abuse by Rev. Daniel Casey, said the release of the list Monday was a good gesture by the bishop.
"I feel that the list is a step forward for the Catholic church. But the list is incomplete. It's missing names," said O'Neil, who is also active with SNAP and said he is connected with several other victims.
Kevin Braney, a survivor of abuse by Rev. Charles Eckermann, said he too felt mixed emotions about the release of the list.
"It is a big step in the healing process for victims and families and for everyone else who been wondering about this," Braney said. "The bottom line is those names are out and kids and families are going to be safer as a result."
Braney said he was nonetheless disappointed to see that names of some priests he believes belong on the list were not included.
"I hope there is a recognition that this is not an end, but the beginning of a new chapter that has to run its course," Braney said.
Braney's attorney Jon Little, of Indiana, said he believes the diocese has not properly investigated all claims. He said other clients he represents are disappointed their abusers were not included on the list. Other attorneys echoed his comments.
The New York State Attorney General in February announced a statewide probe into handling of sexual abuse cases. The Syracuse diocese said it was cooperating and would turn over all allegations to investigators.
The AG's office has encouraged victims and anyone with information about abuse to call its hotline at 1-800-771-7755 or file a complaint online.