To recover from sex abuse scandal, Catholic hierarchy must change (Commentary)
By Dave Pasinski
December 5, 2018
Interior of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the seat of the Catholic Diocese of Syracuse. Photo by Michael Greenlar |
"No, it can't be. He was such a good priest."
"I'm glad to finally see this man's name made public. He damaged the lives of so many people"
"What a tragedy! For his victims and for him and for society and for the Church."
"This should've been stopped long ago. It was the bishops' fault that things went as bad as they did."
These statements represent the range of reactions to the release of the names of Syracuse diocesan priests that were credibly found to have been sexual abusers. While it may come from a variety of motivations, Bishop Robert Cunningham deserves credit for publishing these names, but there is no joy in recognizing the history of what this represents.
As with many readers, I knew many of these men. I went to school with some of them, confided in others and admired many. A couple are friends. Never at any time during their ministry did I know of these actions or issues. There is a great range in the violations and the reasons for the removal from priesthood, thus this "de-frocking" for some may seem much more appropriate than others. The thousands ministered to, counseled and consoled by, who laughed and cried with these men, might best remember them in their gifts shared in addition to the anger, disappointment and deep disillusion that these revelations elicit.
Nevertheless, in the protection of others, there has been no room for gradations of offense and it is the belated policy that none may function as priests.
Likewise, although allegations were made about other clergy, I believe that when the allegations are deemed "not credible," that there has been a similar thorough investigation and they indeed are not guilty and should not be viewed suspiciously. False accusations have happened and do happen.
Now that we know the names, the work of healing must begin.
There should be an opportunity within parishes where they served and the larger community of the both their good and horrible actions in ways that support those survivors of abuse and that of others who have suffered. May it put into perspective the complex and sad history of how our society deals with sexual abuse, the particular betrayals within the religious community, and - most of all - address the wounds.Also, it must be a springboard for real reform with the priests and bishops becoming more responsible to some balanced review by the faithful whom they are ordained to serve.
Certainly before the recommendations given to the bishops about 1990 to address the roots and remove abusive clerics, there was tremendous irregularity and varieties of opinions in the therapeutic community about sexual attraction, frequency of abuse, pedophilia and related attractions, and possibilities of remediation and rehabilitation. This both played into unchecked clericalism in Catholic circles and even privileges from wider society. This combined with the willful ignorance of the hierarchy and therapeutic hope for change, trust in grace to overcome temptation, and a misplaced fraternal charity for a terrible brew.
For many years, those responsible for these clergy operated in a closed world of naive good faith, with very poor advice from too sympathetic professionals and attorneys who advised more payoffs and stonewalling, which severely affected more pastoral reactions. Certainly if more women and mothers and fathers had been consulted, this may never have become so insidious.
How ill-prepared most celibates were, especially in those pre-Vatican II era, to deal with one's own sexual feelings other than through repression and confession! To even have spoken about these issues in a human way, with the benefit of modern psychology, was practically unknown. This no excuse but it is critical to recognize the arrested development of so many.
This combination created the monstrous situation that has seared our souls since the great Boston Globe expose in 2002, and alienated so many in their trust of the institution. Yet it was not only the disclosure of clerical sexual abuse in itself - as odious as that is -- but the ecclesiastical cover-up which has created the greatest scandal.
From my own perspective as a former/married priest, women's ordination or married clergy are part of an answer, but more is necessary to address the clerical culture. I told a bishop 25 years ago that I would love to continue ministry as a married man and the Church had already provided that option to men of other faiths. Now much more would be necessary. With all parents, I didn't want to imagine the rage and tremendous betrayal and a desire for a very severe punishment should my own children ever have been so exploited. Clerical culture must go!
We are at at point compared to that of the 16th century Reformation. The bishops simply must release some of the power they have accrued throughout the centuries and truly share in some kind of more formal lay governance and monitoring.
I truly respect those who have left the Catholic Church because of this issue, yet I also deeply appreciate those priests who continue to serve Christ and all in this flawed institution.
Bishop Shawn McKnight of Jefferson City, Missouri, put it very clearly at the recent meeting of bishops when he said "History proves that we bishops are not capable of policing ourselves when it comes to clergy sexual abuse. Why not include the laity to assist us with this problem?"
Why not, indeed?!