Priest working in Jackson previously accused of sexual harassment, lawsuit shows
By Sarah Fowler
Mississippi ClariLedger
November 21, 2018
Catholic Diocese of Jackson |
[with video]
A priest currently visiting the Jackson diocese has faced past accusations of sexual harassment.
The Rev. Maurice Nutt was in attendance and helped lead Mass Sunday at St. Peter's Catholic Cathedral in downtown Jackson to open the cause for canonization of Sister Thea Bowman of Canton, the first African-American member of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration. The Catholic Diocese of Jackson posted photos from the Mass on its Facebook page. Nutt prepared the gifts for consecration alongside Bishop Joseph Kopacz.
Nutt, a Redemptorist priest, is "back and forth" between Jackson and New Orleans while he works as a consultant on the cause for canonization, according to Maureen Smith, spokeswoman for the diocese. Smith said the diocese was aware of the allegations against Nutt.
Nutt has previously denied any wrongdoing. He has not been charged with a crime. He is a priest in "good standing," Smith said, and "has the full confidence of his religious community."
In March 2001, a police officer began working as a "neighborhood facilitator" for a community board on which Nutt served in Missouri. Nutt's parish, St. Alphonsus "Rock" Catholic Church, was within the officer's assigned area. In a lawsuit filed in 2002, the officer alleged Nutt "made unwelcome sexual advances" on three separate occasions.
In the first instance, according to the lawsuit, the officer stopped by the church to give Nutt a community update. After giving him a tour of the building, Nutt asked the officer if he wanted to watch pornography and masturbate with him to "relieve stress," according to court documents.
The officer declined, according to the lawsuit.
In November, the suit alleges, Nutt again asked the officer to watch pornographic movies with him, help him ejaculate, kissed the officer on the mouth, grabbed his buttocks and reached for his genitals.
The officer again declined his advances, according to the lawsuit. Nutt later admitted to the kiss, calling it a "peck on the lips" he believed was "mutual," according to court documents, which also show Nutt admitted to "brushing" the man's "crotch with the back of my hand because it seemed (he) was stimulated by the hug."
In December, the suit alleges, Nutt squeezed the officer's thigh while they were sitting at a table during a meeting.
The claim was dismissed against the officer's employer, the Area Resources for Community and Human Services, with a Missouri court finding Nutt's actions "were not so severe or so pervasive as to poison (the officer's) work environment."
Around the same time in 2001, two St. Louis police officers alleged Nutt sexually harassed them.
According to a 2003 article from the Associated Press, Nutt was serving on the St. Louis Police Board when he allegedly used his position to be near the officers, repeatedly called and messaged them and made sexual advances.
According to a lawsuit filed by one of the officers, in November 2001, Nutt invited him to his study at St. Alphonsus. Nutt then reportedly closed and locked the door before allegedly saying he liked "manly man" and telling the officer, "Come here, boy." Nutt then allegedly tried to kiss the officer.
Later that same month, another officer alleged Nutt approached him, gave him a hug and said, "You're close to me; I'm going to keep you close to me." The officer then felt Nutt's cheek swipe his own as though preparing to give him a kiss, the AP reported. That officer sued as well.
Nutt resigned from the board in December 2001, two days after the officers filed their complaints. He denied the claims but took an extended sabbatical. He later left the parish.
The suits were settled in 2003. Details of the suit were confidential.
The Redemptorist Denver Provence issued a statement on Nutt's behalf Tuesday, saying, in part, "he has never been a risk to children and/or vulnerable adult have been reported against him.
"Those who continue to unethically refer to unsubstantiated allegations in court-sealed documents are violating the wisdom of the court and the privacy rights of everyone involved."