To the editor: Church not being transparent
Toledo Blade
November 21, 2018
When it comes to abuse and coverup, it is clear the Toledo Catholic bishop is going backwards ( “Man’s allegations of abuse by Fostoria priest surface after 40 years,” Friday). For years, Bishop Daniel Thomas and dozens of his staff have publicly and deceptively claimed how they’re now allegedly more “transparent” about abuse than before. But they’re not.
In 2003, an alleged victim of the Rev. Joseph Schmelzer got to speak with the diocesan abuse panel. But in 2016, despite two years of trying, another alleged victim of the same now-suspended cleric was denied. Bishop Thomas’ public relations staffer refused to explain the change or say when it happened.
Bishop Thomas claims Father Schmelzer is being overseen. But The Blade reports that “the diocese has not informed (the priest’s victims) of any oversight measures,” and the circumstances of Father Schmelzer’s supervision “were not disclosed by the diocese” to the press or the public.
Finally, a church website “glosses over the circumstances of Father Schmelzer’s removal (and) makes no mention of why the priest was removed,” according to The Blade.
This is not “transparency.” It’s spin. And it’s the “same old, same old” that’s caused this crisis to fester for centuries.
St. Louis
The writer is the former national director of SNAP, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.
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