Vigil held at New Haven church to denounce sexual abuse
By Rebecca Cashman And Jennifer Lee
November 18, 2018
Vigil held at New Haven church to denounce sexual abuse |
[with video]
Saint Mary’s Parish in New Haven held a vigil in the wake of sexual abuse scandals around the country involving clergy on Sunday night.
Members of the church and the Knights of Columbus allowed parishioners to view and pay their respects to a relic of the world famous, French Saint Jean Vianney who Catholics believe symbolizes love, courage, and commitment.
The relic is the 159-year-old heart of Saint Vianney and is on display after Sunday’s mass from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
A pastor from France led the vigil that followed mass and reflected on personal holiness.
“A transformed heart is able to transform the relations around and to transform society, so we need such people and such priests,” said Successor to St. Jean Vianney, Father Patrice Chocholski.
Father John Paul Walker of saint Mary’s said the Catholic Church is going through a crisis with recent news of sexual abuse allegations involving clergy.
Father Walker said St. Mary’s will dedicate three days of prayer for complete healing of the victims, asking for forgiveness, and purification.
“Some of the crimes have been so horrific and stories have been terrible to hear, and yet, it’s important for the truth to come out,” said Father Walker.
“It’s important for everything to be revealed and it’s important for us to face honestly what has happened and to move forward from that point.”
The relic will be on display at Saint Mary’s Church on Monday and at the Knights of Columbus until next Sunday.