Join us in our Presence at the USCCB Fall General Assembly
Maryland Catholics for Action
November 6, 2018
Join Maryland Catholics for Action outside the USCCB Fall General Assembly in Baltimore.
Catholics for Action will join our friends from the 5 Theses and the Survivors Network for those abused by priests (SNAP) at two events in Baltimore during the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Retreat. Unlike the USCCB retreat, “all are welcome” to these two events.
Sunday, November 11: Posting of the 5 Theses
An ally group invites all Catholic men and women to meet from 2-3 pm at St. Vincent de Paul Church and then do a rosary walk to the 4:30 Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine where they will tape a copy of their 5 Theses. More information as well as a copy of the 5 Theses can be found here.
If you have a mobility issue, just meet the group at the Basilica.
Monday, November 12: Nothing About Us Without Us Vigil
The Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) along with Catholics for Action will hold a vigil outside the hotel (the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel on Aliceanna Street) where the USCCB retreat is being held. We will have a brief memorial for those survivors who have passed away and also hold a vigil as a reminder for the Bishops that the voices of survivors and laity need to be included, in fact be a central part, of discussions about the clergy sex scandal.
This group will meet at 4:00 pm across from the hotel. For more information, please contact Susan Kerin at (301)-675-9518 or