Diocese releases names of 18 priests and deacons ‘credibly’ accused of sexually abusing minors
By Kevin Leininger
September 18, 2018
Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades |
The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend has released the names of 18 priests and deacons it believes have been credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor. The announcement fulfills a promise made last month by Bishop Kevin Rhoades, who told reporters he hoped that “by releasing these names, the innocent victims of these horrific and heartbreaking crimes can finally begin the process of healing.”
According to the diocese, the list was developed with the assistance of the Diocesan Review Board, which was established to assist the bishop in complying with the requirements of The Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People and The Essential Norms. The Diocesan Review Board is comprised of mostly lay people and its members assess all allegations of sexual abuse of minors by priests and deacons presented in this diocese.
The priests and deacons who have served in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend and have been credibly accused of at least one act of sexual abuse of a minor include:
James Blume, who was ordained in 1980, removed from public ministry in 1989 and dismissed from the clerical state in 2007 and was the target of five credible allegations. While in Fort Wayne he served at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and St. Andrew/St. Hyacinth parishes;
Michael Buescher, who was ordained in 1979, removed from parish ministry in 1989 and lost his clerical state in 1991 and was the target of six allegations. In Fort Wayne he served at St. Charles Borromeo Church and Bishop Dwenger High School;
Brian Carsten, who was ordained in 1970, terminated as pastor and resigned from the Roman Catholic Church in 1987 and dismissed from his clerical state in 2007. He was the target of one allegation and while in Fort Wayne served at St. Henry, St. Patrick, St. Hyacinth, St. Andrew and as Allen County Jail chaplain;
William Ehrman, who was ordained in 1922, retired in 1970 and died in 1983 and was the subject of eight allegations after his death. In Fort Wayne he served at St. Hyacinth, St. Paul and St. John the Baptist in New Haven.
William Gieranowski, who was ordained in 1949, retired in 1981 and was the subject of three allegations after his death in 2000. In Fort Wayne he served at St. Henry and St. Hyacinth;
John Gillig, who was ordained in 1957, retired in 1988, suspended from the public ministry in 2002, dismissed from the clerical state in 2008 and died in 2011. He was credibly accused nine times and served in Fort Wayne at St. Jude, Bishop Dwenger High School, Sacred Heart, St. Peter, the Allen County Jail and director of the CYO and CYA;
Gabriel Hernandez, who was ordained into the diaconate in 2008, dismissed from the seminary in 2009 and dismissed from the clerical state in 2010. He was accused once;
Edward Krason, who was ordained in 1958, resigned as pastor in 1998, ordered to cease all ministry in 1999 and ordered to a life of prayer and penance in 2005, died in 2013 and was subject of two allegations. In Fort Wayne he served at St. Jude, Central Catholic High School, Bishop Dwenger High School, Queen of Angels and St. John the Baptist;
Paul LeBrun, who was ordained in 1983, had his faculties for ministry removed in 2000 and dismissed from the clerical state in 2008, faced one allegation. He did not serve in Fort Wayne and is currently incarcerated;
Thomas Lombardi, who was ordained in 1975 removed from public ministry during an investigation in 2011 and removed permanently in 2015, died in 2017. He faced one allegation and locally served at St. Joseph-Hessen Cassel, the St. Vincent dePaul Society and St. Louis Besancon in New Haven;
Robert Mahoney, who was ordained in 1967, resigned as priest in 1993 and dismissed from the clerical state in 2006, faced four allegations. In Fort Wayne he served at St. John the Baptist;
Eldon Miller, who was ordained in 1954, retired in 2003, removed from public ministry in 2006 and died in 2008, faced two allegations. In Fort Wayne he served at St. Vincent dePaul Parish and St. Joseph in Roanoke;
Edward O. Paquette, who was ordained in 1957, had his faculties for ministry removed in 1978 and was dismissed from the clerical state in 2009 and had seven allegations. His closest local service was at St. Mary of the Assumption in Decatur.
Cornelius Ryan, who was ordained in 1966 and had his faculties for ministry removed in 2013, had one allegation and in Fort Wayne served at St. Joseph-Hessen Cassel;
James Seculoff, who was ordained in 1962, removed from public ministry during an investigation in 2014 and removed permanently the following year, faced five allegations. He served locally at St. Vincent dePaul, Bishop Dwenger, St. Vincent Villa, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, St. John Bosco in Churubusco, Sacred Heart, St. John the Baptist in New Haven and as superintendent of Catholic schools;
Richard Stieglitz, who was ordained in 1973, suspended from all acts of ministry in 1993 and dismissed from the clerical state in 2007, faced five allegations. Locally he served at Our Lady of Good Hope, chaplain for the Catholic Boy Scouts and Serra Clyb, Sacred Heart, St. Jude, Queen of Angels and Bishop Dwenger;
Richard Thompson, who was ordained in 1968, resigned from active ministry in 1989 and lost his clerical state in 2006, faced one allegation. He served at St. John the Baptist in New Haven, and;
James Trepanier, who was ordained in 1955, had faculties for ministry removed in 2002 and faced one allegation, did not serve in Fort Wayne.
The diocese explained that, for the purposes of this list, a “credible accusation” against a priest or deacon of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend is an accusation that, after a thorough investigation and review of available information, appears more likely true than not in the judgement of the Diocesan Review Board, and is accepted as credible by the bishop. If the accused is or was a member of a religious congregation, the credibility of an accusation was determined by the accused priest’s religious congregation.
This list will be supplemented as appropriate based upon any future determinations of credible allegations, and the diocese stated that it will investigate any allegation of sexual abuse by a member of the clergy and to listen to and support anyone who has been abused. People seeking assistance in such matters should Mary Glowaski, Victim’s Assistance Coordinator, mglowaski@diocesefwsb.org, 260-399-1458 or Father Mark Gurtner, JCL – Vicar General, 260-399-1422.
Contact: kleininger@news-sentinel.com