SNAP asks Bishop Persico to put Grand Jury Report in every Catholic parish in the Erie Diocese
By Syeda Abbas
August 21, 2018
[with video]
The Survivor's Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) wants the Diocese of Erie to continue open communication regarding sexual abuse in the Catholic church.
At first, SNAP members waited across the street from the diocese offices to meet with the news media, but they were surprised to be invited onto church property, signaling to them that Bishop Lawrence Persico was more than willing to have an open discussion.
Judy Jones, SNAP Midwest Regional Leader, says, "well, I know that victims are very excited that the report was released. I got involved with SNAP 16 years ago; my brother was sexually abused by our long-time parish priest..."
Supporters and survivors held signs against sexual abuse. Survivors shared their stories about abuse and how it affected their lives.
Mark Fuller shared the story of his alleged abuser, William Presley, from the Diocese of Erie who is now deceased. Fuller, who came from a broken home, says he was 19 when he was sexually abused. "So, my grades went away when this stuff happened. I learned in therapy that you're not really able to concentrate the same, so I couldn't really study; it's a shame I guess that's really what it is... it's really one's self and I suffered... I suffered the whole time."
Bishop Lawrence Persico came outside to greet the SNAP members and chatted with them about transparency. "It opens the door for conversation and plus I had the opportunity to meet two victims."
SNAP has asked Bishop Persico to put copies of the Grand Jury Report in the back of churches, in every Catholic parish in his diocese.
SNAP is also having a private meeting at the Blasco Library tonight from 6-8pm. This meeting is for self-help and support; victims and supporters are invited to attend.