Amid Pa. priest abuse scandal, Vigneron says clergy must be accountable
By Ann Zaniewski
Detroit Free Press
August 14, 2018
Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron Photo by Ryan Garza |
Archbishop of Detroit Allen H. Vigneron on Monday stressed that all clergy — including bishops like himself — need to be held accountable for their behavior, and said priests who have impure relations with others need to repent or give up the priesthood.
His remarks came in two similar letters — one geared toward clergy, the other to the faithful at large — issued ahead of the expected release of a report detailing widespread sexual abuse allegations against clergy in Pennsylvania.
Vigneron told the faithful he shares their pain in facing the news of abuse allegations in the Church. He also said he prays for the victims.
"Even with our renewed prayers and support for our dedicated priests and deacons, I note a temptation to despair among some over whether things can change," he wrote. "However, we know that reform can only happen when hope lives."We must move forward with the conviction that God will not abandon his Church. He wants her purified, cleansed of these sins and brought to new life."
A damning report into allegations of decades of child sexual abuse by clergy members and efforts to cover it up in six of Pennsylvania's Roman Catholic dioceses is expected to be released in the coming days, the result of an almost two-year grand jury investigation.
Vigneron's letters were written in anticipation of the report and in light of revelations of misconduct by former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, according to Archdiocese of Detroit officials.
McCarrick, who once served as archbishop of Washington, D.C., recently resigned following allegations that the 88-year-old prelate had for years sexually abused boys and had sexual misconduct with adult seminarians.
Closer to home in the Diocese of Saginaw, two priests have been suspended from ministry while under investigation for alleged sexual abuse of minors. Rev. Robert DeLand was arrested in February and is awaiting trial, and the Rev. Ronald Dombrowski was suspended from ministry in March. In April, the diocese released the names of four former priests and one former deacon who were removed from ministry several years ago because of credible abuse allegations.
Vigneron wrote that he wanted to acknowledge how discouraging and disheartening it is "for us once again to come face-to-face with moral failures in the priesthood."
"These sins are marks of shame upon the Church and a great weight impeding the progress we strive so zealously to make in advancing the Lord’s Kingdom," he wrote.
Vigneron pointed to the words of then-pope St. John Paul II, who in 2002 said it must be clear that bishops and superiors are foremost concerned about the spiritual good of souls, and that there is no place in religious life for people who harm the young.
"Building on the charge of St. John Paul, and in the light of reports about former Cardinal McCarrick’s sins against chastity, I affirm that priests who try to live a double life by 'cheating on the Church' through impure relations with others need to repent or to give up their pastoral office," Vigneron wrote.
"I am committed to helping all our bishops, priests and deacons cultivate those habits which reinforce their commitments to lives of holiness, and holding them accountable for maintaining the virtue of chastity."
Vigneron said he, too, is accountable for living up to his commitment to celibacy.
"To that end, it is essential that I adhere to my habits of prayer and asceticism, especially regular Confession and spiritual direction," he said. "In standing before Christ’s judgment, I humbly give an accounting for myself, acknowledging my weaknesses and asking for pardon and healing.
"Were I to lapse in my chastity, I should be corrected not only by those in authority over me, but by any brother or sister who had knowledge of my fall."
Vigneron noted that the Archdiocese of Detroit has taken steps to prevent and address sexual abuse. For instance, it has safe environment training programs for clergy, employees, volunteers and children.
When allegations of wrongdoing surface, the archdiocese reports them to local police and cooperates with investigators, Vigneron said. If claims are substantiated, the names of the accused are publicized. It doesn't matter how much time has passed since the abuse occurred.
Still, Vigneron said recent news reports about abuse allegations prove that clergy and laypeople alike must remain vigilant.
"This summer’s news reports affirm why we — as bishops, priests, Church representatives and lay people — must be ever vigilant to protect children from abuse and must re-double our efforts of outreach and healing to those most harmed by sexual abuse," he said. "I remain fully committed to this goal. We can never become complacent with what has been accomplished."
How to report abuse
The Archdiocese of Detroit places no deadlines or time limits on reporting the sexual abuse of minors by priests, deacons, and other personnel. To speak to the archdiocese's Victim Assistance Coordinator, call (866) 343-8055 or e-mail