Clergy sexual abuse victim: 'It’s important for us to also remember the good priests'
By Susan Blum
York Daily Record
August 8, 2018
Susan Blum holds her First Communion veil and her maternal grandmother's rosary for a portrait Wednesday, July 20, 2016, at Blum's New Freedom home. Blum, 63, said she was sexually assaulted by a clergy member in the Archdiocese of Boston when she was 15. A New Freedom resident since 1988, Blum had attended St. John the Baptist Catholic Church for years, but left in March after clergy in the Diocese of Harrisburg were required to read aloud a letter that opposed a Pennsylvania legislative bill that would drop a 30-year statute of limitations on when criminal sex-abuse charges can be filed. "They don't understand they're protecting the Captain Underpants around the corner," said Blum. "I'm not anti-Catholic. I have loved my church, but I cannot in good conscience walk into a church building ever again." Photo by Chris Dunn |
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Back in the ’60s at the height of the war in Vietnam, my husband was drafted into service. Like his grandfather in WWI and dad in WWII who loves his country, he served in the military for almost five years. He was offered the opportunity to flee to Canada but he is a man of integrity.
Today we thank soldiers for their service, but not so for those coming home during the Vietnam era. It was a confusing and heartbreaking time for those that served. It was not a time to be seen in public in a uniform when the news that other servicemen were responsible for atrocities in which children were killed. The innocent veterans were often spat upon in public
Two years ago, this newspaper featured my story as survivor of childhood clergy sexual abuse. The recent announcement of over 70 priests and deacons who have been accused reopened some of the old wounds. I am still on a healing path. Their sexual violation when we were children killed our souls.
The continued opposition of the church to reform of the statue of limitations for victims continues to protect so many non-clergy perpetrators in our communities is the biggest source of my pain and anger. I have pledged to fight until my dying breath to protect children from theses monsters.
In the 30 years we lived in New Freedom, I had the privilege of knowing several dedicated men of great faith. Discovering there were several abusers at St. John the Baptist Church was heartbreaking news, but just like the soldiers of the past, I believe it’s important for us to also remember the good priests.
These men are much like the soldiers who returned home in the ’60s and early ’70s. My heart aches for your suffering as collateral damage from the sins of your peers and leadership.
You are men who could have gone AWOL when you have seen the sins of your leadership letting the crimes continue, but were powerless to make changes. You are men who have just tried to do your best in your individual faith ministries, men who have had hearts broken discovering some of your classmates were criminals, men reluctant to be seen in public in clerical garb or to offer an innocent, compassionate hug to someone in pain for fear of being labeled.
You must feel like the soldiers who returned home in the ’60s and early ’70s!
I still suffer from PTSD visiting a church, which reminds me of the one in which I was violated, but will always remember the good priests. I pray that you will persevere in your mission and continue to have the love and respect of your parishioners. You are men who have given your all, who have been true to your calling to try to share a message of agape love – chaste, unselfish love. I salute you and say, “thank you for your service, Father.”