| Harrisburg Catholic Diocese Names 71 Priests, Clergy Accused of Abuse. See the List Here
By Anthony J. Machcinski and Ed Mahon
York Daily Record
August 1, 2018
The Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg released a list of 71 names of clergy members accused of sexually abusing children in cases dating back decades.
The list includes priests, deacons, seminarians and clergy affiliated with an order. The list also includes clergy members from other dioceses and Archdioceses from across the nation.
In the release, the diocese said the list includes those who were accused of abuse of a child since the 1940s, and does not include assessments of credibility or guilt. The church said it was releasing a list of every allegation made in recent decades against clergy in the diocese that had not been proven false.
Of the 71 names, 37 were priests in the Diocese of Harrisburg, three were deacons of the diocese, six were seminarians of the diocese, nine were clergy of other dioceses and 16 were from religious communities.
The diocese broke the list into three categories: cases in which abuse was first alleged while the accused was living; cases in which abuse was first alleged after the accused's death; and cases in which the abuse was alleged to have occurred in another diocese.
Here is the full list of the accused:
1. Cases where abuse was first alleged while accused was living
Cases involving allegations of indecent behavior
Alexander Dario Agudelo Cano Alive Diocese of Harrisburg (DOH) (seminarian)
Francis (Scotty) Allen II Dead DOH (seminarian)
John Allen Alive DOH (priest)
Francis Bach Dead DOH (priest)
Luis Jesus Barajas Arias Alive Order (Order of the most blessed Trinity)
Richard Barry unknown Order (OMI)
James Beeman dead DOH (priest)
John Bostwick III alive Diocese of Richmond
Augustine Giella dead- Archdiocese of Newark
Ronald Gonzalez alive Diocese of Dallas
Thomas Ronald Haney dead DOH (priest)
William Haviland dead DOH (priest)
John Herber dead Order (CPPS)
Philip Hower alive DOH (seminarian)
George Koychick dead DOH (priest)
Kevin Labuda alive DOH (seminarian)
Arthur Long dead Order (SJ)
David Luck alive DOH (priest)
Guy Marsico alive DOH (priest)
Anthony McGinley dead DOH (priest)
Joseph Pease alive DOH (priest)
Charles Procopio -dead - DOH (priest)
Guido Miguel Quiroz Reyes unknown Order (OFM)
John Rebovich dead order (OSJ)
Thomas Scala alive DOH (priest)
Herbert Shank alive DOH (priest)
Timothy Sperber alive DOH (priest)
Carl Steffen dead DOH (priest)
John Tokarick Jr. alive DOH (seminarian)
Salvatore Zangari dead DOH (priest)
Cases involving allegations of inappropriate behavior (e.g. kissing)
Walter Emala dead Diocese of Memphis
Ibarra Mercado unknown Archdiocese of the Military
James Rush alive Archdiocese of New York
Cases involving allegations of child pornography
Donald Cramer II alive DOH (priest)
Paul Fisher alive DOH (priest)
Donald (Tim) Hackman alive DOH (deacon)
Kevin Kayda II dead- DOH (priest)
Thomas Kujovsky dead- DOH (priest)
Cases involving allegations of inappropriate communications with children
Robert Logue alive DOH (deacon)
Bryan Schlager alive DOH (seminarian)
2. Cases where abuse was first alleged after the accuseds death
Cases involving allegations of indecent behavior
John Bolen dead - DOH (priest)
Patrick DAlessandro dead DOH (priest)
Philip DeChico dead DOH (priest)
Raymond Dougherty dead DOH (priest)
Joseph Driscoll dead ORDER (CSSR)
Joseph Hager dead DOH (priest)
Francis Hudak dead- DOH (priest)
Thomas Lawler dead DOH (priest)
Robert Maher dead - DOH (priest)
Daniel Mahoney dead - DOH (priest)
Neil Murphy dead - DOH (priest)
James Noel dead - DOH (priest)
Stephen Rolko dead - DOH (priest)
John Suknaic dead - DOH (priest)
Francis Taylor dead - DOH (priest)
Frederick Vaughn dead - DOH (priest)
James Vecera dead - DOH (deacon)
Cases involving allegations of inappropriate behavior (e.g., kissing)
Frederick Bradel dead - DOH (priest)
John McDevitt dead Order (Oblates of St. Francis DeSales)
3. Cases where abuse was alleged to have occurred in another diocese
Gerard (or Gerald) Bugge dead Order (Redemptorist)
William Cawley alive Diocese of Great Falls/Billings
Bernard Flanagan alive - Diocese of Allentown
William Geiger dead- Order (Redemptorist)
Edward Konat unknown Order (SJ)
Reginald Krakovsky dead Order (Franciscan Friars of the Third Regular Order)
Jerome Kucan dead Order (OFM)
Robert Poandl alive Order (Glenmary Home Missioners)
William Presley dead Diocese of Erie
Raymond Prybis alive Order (OMI)
Patrick Shannon alive Order (OSFS)
James Shaughnessey dead DOH (priest)