Letter to the Faithful of the Diocese of Fort Worth Regarding Former Cardinal McCarrick
By Bishop Michael Olson
Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
July 28, 2018
[with pdf]
Letter to the Faithful of Fort Worth Regarding Former Cardinal McCarrick and the Protection of Minors and the Vulnerable in the Diocese of Fort Worth
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Ministry in the Church is a grace from God that carries with it sober responsibility. Ministry is not a right to be claimed by anyone as an entitlement; rather, it involves a covenantual trust established through our Baptism as members of the Church established by Christ.
We see in the scandalous crimes and sins alleged to have been committed by now former Cardinal McCarrick, the violation of that trust and the grave damage caused to the lives and health of his purported victims. This scandal and pain are compounded by the horrific fact that reportedly one of his victims was hist first baptism after his priestly ordination.