Cottingham priest Terrence Grigg accused of 'grooming and abusing vulnerable boys' - Hull trial
By Simon Bristow
Hull Live / Hull Daily Mail
July 16, 2018
ON TRIAL: Canon Terrence Grigg |
Terrence Grigg |
A retired priest has gone on trial accused of a range of historic sex offences against boys and young men.
Canon Terrence Grigg, 84, former rector of St Mary's Church in Cottingham, is alleged to have carried out the abuse against five complainants in the 1980s and 1990s.
Mr Grigg, of Grove Street, Malton, North Yorkshire, denies 11 indecent assaults against males and two other sex offences.
Opening the case against him on Monday at Hull Crown Court, Claire Holmes, prosecuting, told a jury of six men and six women: "The Crown say that during those years he identified five separate young men who were all vulnerable in some way, and he went on to use that vulnerability for his own sexual gratification."
Miss Holmes said the alleged abuse took place at Grigg's rectory, in London, and in the south-west. It is said to have included "hugging" on a sofa, "spooning", and Mr Grigg allegedly putting his hand on a boy's thigh in a restaurant.
Boy 'groomed with football stickers and pop'
The rector is alleged to have groomed some of the complainants, giving one money for "football stickers and pop", alcohol to another, while on other occasions he would "test the water" by being tactile or talking about sex.
One was able to give police exact dates of his alleged abuse because he kept a diary, using a "code" for different sexual acts, from kissing to full sex.
The jury was shown a video of a complainant's police interview, in which he was asked for his impression of Canon Grigg when they first met. He said: "My memory of him initially, he immediately showed an interest in me. He was engaging, intelligent, interesting. He was all of those things. He was a big character."
He said Mr Grigg would reach out and hold his hand while driving in his car, and this "made me feel very uncomfortable". He had not protested, but said: "I used to rationalise it as a man who wanted company."
The man also told police the rector would boast about him being there - he was a teenager at the time - while Mr Grigg was on the phone to male friends he assumed were gay.
He said: "Sometimes in phone calls to other men there would be a sense of bragging about my presence. It was clearly very important to him to tell these friends on the phone he had this youngster with him."
He also said Mr Grigg, said to be "involved" with the Liberal Party, had told him "things can happen" once he reached 18. He said: "There was going to be this rubicon that we would cross when I became 18. At 18 sexual engagement between the two of us would become legal. I think I never replied."
The complainant said Mr Grigg "had a lot of power" in their relationship, which he would "put in a box" and "keep making it clear I don't want this to happen".
'I'm glad I can tell the truth'
Asked how he felt to be speaking out in the interview, which took place two years ago, the man said: "I’ve carried this for a long, long time and wrestled with this for a long, long time. I think it’s good to actually be honest now. The thing I’m most interested in is the truth. The whole country has changed. It’s good to be able to share the truth."
Another complainant is said to have taken drugs to "block out" what was happening, and to have been allowed to steal from Mr Grigg so he would not report the alleged abuse.
Miss Holmes said the complainants were "brave" to have come forward, and their only connection was they were abused by Mr Grigg.
The trial continues and is expected to last three weeks.