| Priest Goes to Rehab after Gambling Away More Than $1 Million Including Loans from Parishioners
By Jason Lemon
July 11, 2018
A former Swiss priest will go to rehab after losing more than $1 million to gambling debts, including money loaned to him by some 50 parishioners.
The man, whose name wasn't disclosed, was forced to resign from his religious duties under Switzerland’s Diocese of Chur, accused of abusing his position as a priest to secure loans from unsuspecting churchgoers to fund his addiction. According to German broadcaster Deutsche Welle, the disgraced vicar’s debts amounted to 1.4 million Swiss francs ($1.1 million).
Although church authorities were long aware of the former priest’s gambling problem, they did not warn parishioners about the issue. Instead, the diocese offered him help to address the addiction before it got out of hand. Swiss media have reported that several church members are considering pressing charges as a result, but until now, no cases have been filed.