Creating a safe Catholic Church conference
By Joseph Younes
Catholic Outlook
July 10, 2018
The Diocese of Parramatta and the Diocese of Wollongong and are co-hosting two days of presentations by Fr Hans Zollner SJ.
The two-day event is being sponsored by Carroll & O’Dea, Makinson d’Apice and Catholic Church Insurance. The event is also being supported by the Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay, Catholic Professional Standards Ltd, the NSW Professional Standards Office and the NSW Ombudsman. Fr Hans will address the most significant issues facing the Catholic Church today with respect to harmful behaviour, including the theological and spiritual implications arising from the abuse crisis and their impact on victims and survivors, together with members of the Church.
Fr Hans will be providing two distinct and separate presentations on Friday 31 August and Saturday 1 September 2018.
Fr Hans will explore why and how the Catholic Church needs to change to survive, flourish and ensure the safest place for the most vulnerable.
Fr Hans is regarded as one of the leading ecclesiastical experts in the field of safeguarding of minors and on areas concerning sexual abuse both in the Roman Catholic Church and beyond. He has been a member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors since 2014 and head of the Centre for Child Protection (CCP) at the Gregorian University, headquartered in Rome.
Fr Hans is a German theologian and psychologist. Since 2003 he has taught at the Institute of Psychology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. Fr Hans has been the academic Vice Rector of the Gregorian since 2010. He has been a member of the Society of Jesus since 1990.
Both days of the conference will be structured by the topics outlined below and will feature audience participation and interactive workshops, which Fr Hans sees at the heart of learning and education.
Both days will be facilitated by Susan Pascoe. Susan was elected president of the Australian Council for International Development in November 2017. Prior to her appointment, Susan has been the Inaugural Commissioner for the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commissioner, and the Commissioner of the State Services Authority in Victoria. Susan comes with a wealth of experience, having recieved the Influencer of the Year award at the Third Sector Awards in 2017, the Outstanding Contibution for Public Administration Award in 2016, and being appointed Member of the Order of Australia in 2007 for her service to education.
Clergy, staff (including those from Agencies and Ministries), and volunteers from the Diocese of Parramatta can register here
Note: ticketing for this event will close on Friday 17 August 2018 at 5:00pm.
Friday, 31 August 2018 – 10:00AM – 5:00PM
This presentation will be directed to Catholic Church personnel including child protection and safeguarding professionals, school principals, teaching staff, social welfare leaders and staff, clergy, religious, and other employees and volunteers.
Participants will gain:
An understanding of the current workings and view of child protection internationally with specific reference to the Holy See and the relative position of the Australian Catholic Church;
Insight into the spiritual and theological impact of the child sexual abuse crisis;
An ability to identify the key theoretical and practical changes to make a child safe organisation; and
The ability to equip Catholic Church leadership with the necessary tools to create and maintain a safe institutional culture both at an individual and collective level.
Topics of Exploration
A birdseye view from the Holy See—what are the main priorities and challenges that currently face the Holy See with respect to combating harmful behaviour within the Catholic Church?
Fr Hans will provide some key insights into:
the most significant issues facing the contemporary and worldwide Catholic Church with respect to harmful behaviour;
comparing the current child protection climate and position of the Catholic Church in Australia to the Catholic Church in other nations;
the current work of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors and whether it is getting the support and resources it needs from Pope Francis and beyond; and
the attitude and response of the Holy See with respect to the recent Royal Commission including the final report and its recommendations.
The impact of child sexual abuse and other harmful behaviour on the spiritual and theological.
Fr Hans will provide some key insights into:
identifying and discussing the impact of the history of child sexual abuse and other harmful behaviour on the spirituality and theology of members of the Church;
from a spiritual and theological perspective, what the leadership can do within the Church to better understand and respond to child sexual abuse and other harmful behaviour; and
what nations around the globe are doing to support current clergy, religious and lay persons in positions of leadership in the Church in this time of crisis.
What would a child safe Diocese look like in five years’ time?
Fr Hans will identify the key theoretical and practical changes to make a Catholic organisation child safe. Fr Hans has advocated that a fundamental transformation of the worldwide church must occur if it is to survive, flourish and be child safe.
Fr Hans will discuss:
in the current climate with massively declining priest and religious membership, the future for religious life and how will it serve the faithful in a safe and meaningful way;
at a local level whether diocesan or religious, the key indicators of a transformed child safe Catholic Church authority; and
the key areas of resistance that could weaken the transformation of the Catholic Church.
Who can attend?
Organisations, institutions and departments which have care or responsibility for children and vulnerable adults in Catholic settings are encouraged to attend, including:
Parish and religious communities
Out-of-home care
Disability services
Government including the NSW Ombudsman
Support and advocacy groups for victims and survivors of harm
with responsibilities for:
Professional standards and safeguarding
Wellbeing and pastoral care
Residential/client services
Saturday, 1 September 2018 – 10:00AM – 3:00PM
This presentation will be directed to victims and survivors of abuse and their family and friends together with their advocacy and support groups. The presentation will also focus on issues that continue to face faithful members of the Church in the light of the child sexual abuse crisis —particularly parishioners.
Participants will gain:
An ability to identify and understand how the history of child sexual abuse and other harmful behaviour has and continues to impact faithful communities worldwide;
An understanding on how victims and survivors of harmful behaviour can be best supported with specific reference to work being undertaken internationally;
An understanding of the role of the faithful in the creation and continuation of clericalism; and
The ability to equip faithful members of the community to assist them in the transformation of religious communities to ensure they are child-safe.
Topics of Exploration
The significance of harm within the Catholic Church– how it has impacted on faithful communities and how it can be best addressed and rectified.
Fr Hans will provide some key insights into:
identify and discuss how the history of child sexual abuse and other harmful behaviour has and continues to impact on faithful communities worldwide;
what is being doing around the globe to support victims and survivors of harm – what is working and what hasn’t worked; and
what faithful members of the Church can do at an individual and collective level to make the local Church a safer place.
Reality check- the role and responsibility of faithful members of the Church.
Fr Hans will provide some key insights into:
the role of the faithful members of the community in the creation and continuation of clericalism;
how faithful members of the community can best combat clericalism at a local level and beyond; and
how parish and religious lay leaders can transform religious communities to empower lay leadership and engagement.
Who can attend?
Faithful members of the Catholic Church and/or those who have been harmed by the Catholic Church are encouraged to attend including:
Victims and survivors of harmful behaviour in the Catholic Church together with their family and friends;
Faithful lay members of parish and religious communities;
Persons in position of lay leadership in the Catholic Church including those on parish, diocesan and religious councils; and
Advocacy and support groups for victims and survivors of harm.
The Cube, Campbelltown Catholic Club, 20-22 Camden Road, Campbelltown NSW, 2560
On each day morning tea and lunch will be provided. If you have any medical dietary requirements please ensure they are selected when booking your ticket. If your particular medical dietary requirement is not listed please email once you have booked your ticket, and indicate your name, and your medical dietary requirement.
Rydges Campbelltown is located on 15 Old Menangle Road, Campbelltown, NSW 2560.
From Sydney – take the second Campbelltown exit off the M5 motorway and veer left onto Narellan Road.
From Canberra, Goulburn and Southern Highlands – take the Campbelltown exit off the M5 motorway and turn right onto Narellan Road. Continue on Narellan Road through two sets of traffic lights. At the third set of lights turn left into Kellicar Road. Turn immediately into Camden Road and right again at the first roundabout into the Campbelltown Catholic Club/CUBE car park.
Disembark at Campbelltown Station.
Head west on Kellicar Road to Camden Road intersection. Turn left into Camden Road. The Cube is located 50m along the right-hand side (adjacent Campbelltown Catholic Club main entrance).
It is a comfortable 15 minute walk from the Station. The going is flat with a sealed pathway. There is also a taxi rank directly opposite Campbelltown Station. For information on train timetables please visit City Rail at
There will be no refunds issued after Friday 24 August 2018.