Group wants to raise $300K for Fr. Jonathan Wehrle ahead of priest's embezzlement trial
By Christopher Haxel
Lansing State Journal
July 10, 2018
Rev. Jonathan Wehrle appears in 55th District Court for his preliminary hearing on embezzlement charges in District Court Judge Donald Allen, Jr.'s court room Sept. 1, 2017. |
An embattled priest accused of embezzling more than $5 million from a local Roman Catholic parish is trying to raise $300,000 to fund his defense.
The Rev. Jonathan Wehrle is "in dire need" of help, according to a letter dated June 11 and circulated on his behalf.
Opus Bono, a charity based in Lapeer County which raises money to assist priests across the country facing criminal charges or other problems, sent the letter to a "short list" of Wehrle's family and friends, according to the letter.
Wehrle, the former pastor of St. Martha parish in Okemos, currently awaits trial on felony embezzlement charges. An insurer for the Catholic Diocese of Lansing has filed a separate civil lawsuit against Wehrle after so far paying out $2.9 million in damages.
"Now facing a two-front battle, Father Wehrle's case has suddenly become even more complex, which requires immediate critical support with a huge amount of legal, accounting and investigative resources," reads the letter, which is signed by Joe Maher, Opus Bono's president (to read the letter, scroll to the bottom of this article).
"For Father Wehrle, this is quite literally an apocalyptic moment," the letter continues. "The prosecutor has frozen all of his assets... he is unable to pay his legal team for a competent defense, and is now faced with the horrifying reality that, without the best defense possible, he will live the remainder of his years in state prison."
A team from Detroit-based law firm Butzel Long is assisting in Wehrle's defense, Maher told the State Journal.
He declined to say how much money has been raised, but said the fundraising effort remains ongoing. Opus Bono is also helping Wehrle pay living expenses.
"We definitely need more money for Fr. Jon," he said.
Prosecutors said during a four-day preliminary examination last year that Wehrle used parish funds to pay for work and materials at his more than 11,000-square-foot mansion in Wililamston.
It is not clear whether Wehrle, 67, is still living in the house. A court-appointed receiver now maintains the property and pays relevant insurance and utility bills, according to court records.
Lawrence Nolan, who so far has represented Wehrle in his criminal case, did not respond to a request for comment.
Priests need help
Opus Bono agreed to help Wehrle after the retired priest contacted the organization, Maher said.
Maher founded Opus Bono in 2002 after a priest at his parish was charged with rape. The priest was later acquitted, and Maher said the organization has grown in recent years as priests across the country need help.
Bishops sometimes provide financial support when priests are accused of crimes, but that has become less likely over time, Maher said.
"It's disturbing to me," he said. "And that's why Opus Bono exists. We've evolved over 16 years... because the priests aren't getting support from the bishops."
Lansing Diocese spokesman Michael Diebold declined to discuss Wehrle's case but said the diocese doesn't pay for the legal defense of any employee charged with a crime, whether they are a priest or not.
Opus Bono gets a handful of calls every week from priests who need help, Maher said.
"Some of those need financial help. Others need criminal and civil lawyers," he said. "Some of them have problems with addiction. Some of them have done things that are very immoral, and they need help with healing and safeguarding themselves and protecting anyone else they might hurt."
Maher said the organization, which includes six full-time employees and a nationwide network of volunteers, is a registered nonprofit and relies almost exclusively on donations from parishioners and fellow priests.
Opus Bono doesn't worry about whether a priest is guilty or innocent, but does look for contrition when wrongdoing is clear, he said.
But Maher thinks Wehrle is innocent, and agreed to take the "unusual" step of appealing directly to people on the priest's behalf.
"I don't believe that there has been a criminal act or criminal intent," Maher said. "I don't believe that (Wehrle) is guilty of embezzlement, and I think that will come out at the trial."
Wehrle's trial on six counts of embezzling $100,000 or more is scheduled for Aug. 13 in Ingham County Circuit Court.