Pa. grand jury report about sexual abuse by priests should be released
By Robert T. Corby Sr.
Morning Call
June 28, 2018
Rep. Mark Rozzi, D-Berks, speaks at a June rally in Pennsylvania's Capitol to support legislation he has written to lift time limits for authorities to pursue charges of child sexual abuse. Rozzi has spoken about how as a child he was raped by a priest. Photo by Marc Levy |
I am a victim of sexual abuse by a priest in 1948. I am now 83 years old. A lot of victims, including myself, testified before the Pennsylvania grand jury looking into sexual abuse in the state's Catholic dioceses.
Some traveled great distances to testify over the past two years. The grand jury report was to come out — all the victims only want accountability from the Catholic Church for the cover-up all these years — and it is hard to believe the state Supreme Court didn't release the report.
Whose side is the Supreme Court siding with — the Catholic Church or the victims? Certainly not the victims. I am so disappointed in the ruling of the Supreme Court.