Records: Diocese of Corpus Christi priest accused of theft
By Eleanor Dearman
Corpus Christi Caller Times
June 28, 2018
Krzysztof Bauta was released from the St. Joseph Parish in Port Aransas on Oct. 11. |
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Krzysztof Bauta, a Catholic priest released from his job at a Port Aransas church last year, is accused of stealing at least $150,000 from the diocese, court documents show.
In December 2017, officials from the Diocese of Corpus Christi met with a Texas Ranger. They alleged Bauta "had continuously stolen or defrauded the Diocese out of a large sum of money from July 2013 through December 2017," an arrest warrant affidavit shows.
Bauta was arrested Tuesday by Texas Rangers for theft, a second-degree felony, according to his booking sheet. Sgt. Nathan Brandley, of the Texas Department of Public Safety, confirmed the arrest and said "there is still an open and ongoing investigation going on with the Texas Rangers."
After obtaining the Bauta's financial records and conducting an audit, it was revealed that "numerous items that were reimbursed by the Church were actually personal charges of Bauta," according to the affidavit.
"The Credit Card Statement Analysis also indicated that some line items were paid by the Church twice," the document states. "There were also instances found where Bauta was reimbursed by the Church for the purchases of goods that were later returned to the store but the funds were not reimbursed to the church."
The investigation showed "numerous checks" were written to and endorsed by the Church, but deposited into Bauta's personal checking account. Personal checks designated for "Hurricane Harvey Relief" were also deposited into his personal account, the document states.
"The forensic audit shows that Bauta did acquire $150,000 or more but less than $
300,000 from the Catholic Diocese of Corpus Christi, the owner thereof, which was them and there a nonprofit corporation, without the effective consent of the owner, namely by deception and with intent to deprive the owner of the property," the document states.
Margie Rivera, director of communications with the Diocese of Corpus Christi, said Bauta was removed in October from St. Joseph's Parish in Port Aransas following a financial audit. The results turned over to law enforcement.
"We understand that law enforcement has been investigating the matter over several months and we have fully cooperated with their investigation," Rivera said in the statement. "It is our understanding that the civil authorities have charged Fr. Bauta with a second degree felony."
"We pray for a just resolution to bring healing to all those involved," she added. "Our thoughts and prayers are with Fr. Bauta and all parties involved."
Bauta posted bail Wednesday, jail officials said. His bail was set at $50,000.