Why this week could be pivotal for Southern Baptists to address treatment of women
By Holly Meyer
June 10, 2018
This year's annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention could prove to be a pivotal moment in Southern Baptist life given the recent ousting of Paige Patterson from a Texas seminary over his treatment of women. Photo by Paul Moseley |
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The recent downfall of a Southern Baptist legend is pushing many in pulpits and pews to confront the mistreatment of women within the evangelical denomination.
They say members of the Southern Baptist Convention need to address the mistreatment when they gather early this week in Dallas for their big denominational meeting. This year's two-day event could prove to be a pivotal moment in Southern Baptist life given the recent ousting of Paige Patterson from a Texas seminary over his treatment of women.
The convention must take a clear stance against abuse and in support of women, said Randy Davis, the executive director of Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, which represents more than 3,200 Baptist churches in Tennessee and nearby states.
"There is no room for confusion in the matter of respecting and honoring women from all walks of life," Davis said. "It is biblical that we honor women."
Me Too and evangelical Christianity
The recent controversy surrounding Patterson, a longtime Southern Baptist leader revered for his role in the denomination's conservative shift, has brought the Me Too movement to the largest Protestant denomination in the U.S. and fanned the conversation out across the network of churches.
Patterson is just the latest powerful man to be toppled by accusations of their past mistreatment of women. Other church leaders also have fallen, illustrating that it is not just a Hollywood or a media problem.
The April resignation of Bill Hybels, founder and senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in Illinois, is one example, said Peter Wehner, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington. After accusations of improper conduct and abuse of power, Hybels stepped down.
"I think the spirit of the Me Too movement is certainly spreading," Wehner said. "It's having a big effect because it's unveiling these things."
Memphis megachurch pastor Andy Savage is another example, said Wehner, who wrote a column in The New York Times about the slate of accusations shaking the evangelical Protestant world. Savage stepped down in March after admitting to a sexual encounter with a high school student years earlier.
Why seminary leaders fired Patterson
In the Patterson case, pushback started mounting this spring against the major Southern Baptist figure for his past counsel to abused women and crude remarks about a teenage girl's appearance. Thousands of Southern Baptist women and their supporters spoke out against his controversial remarks.
But the mishandling of allegations from students who told Patterson they were raped ultimately led to his undoing at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth.
School leadership said they cut ties with the seminary president due to inaccurate information Patterson provided the board of trustees regarding a student's 2003 rape allegation. He also wanted to meet alone with a student who said she was raped in 2015 in order to "break her down."
Patterson apologized for the harm his past remarks caused, but disputes accusations that he mishandled reports of abuse from women and students. While he continues to have supporters, Patterson announced Friday that he would not be attending this week's annual meeting.
"My desire is to work toward biblical harmony at our annual meeting," Patterson said in a Friday letter to Southern Baptists. "Many messengers have implored me to carry out this assignment, but this convention is not about me, and I have every confidence that this decision is best and right."
The annual meeting, during which Southern Baptists conduct the network of churches' business for the year, starts Tuesday. Wehner, an evangelical Christian who served in the previous three Republican administrations, thinks Southern Baptists have a great opportunity to start addressing issues raised by the Patterson controversy.
"There's no quick path to fixing this. It was a lot of years in the making," Wehner said. "But they can accelerate the process of repair and healing if they do and say the right things."
What should happen in Dallas?
While Patterson will not be in attendance, his ousting will affect the annual meeting. At least two pre-meeting panels Monday will tackle the treatment of women and abuse in church, and a midday rally is planned for Tuesday.
Protest organizers, who say they are backed by Southern Baptists and others, are calling for women to be respected and honored within the denomination. They also want a clergy sex offender registry created and mandatory training for pastors and seminaries on domestic abuse and sexual assault.
Southern Baptists in attendance may have the chance to vote on making a statement about women in the church, but that will be determined by the resolutions committee. Two resolutions submitted to the committee for consideration garnered attention in advance of the meeting. Resolutions are non-binding statements.
Davis is one of dozens of Southern Baptist leaders to support a resolution affirming the dignity of women and the holiness of ministers.
Kathy Litton, a pastor's wife from Alabama, co-wrote another resolution that celebrates the 100th anniversary of women serving as messengers, which are the voting representatives sent by Southern Baptist churches to the annual meeting.
While it is unrelated and has been in the works for years, the resolution carries added weight after the Patterson controversy.
Litton thinks listening to godly men and women, who can speak to moving forward with more intention and respect, can help the denomination at this difficult time.
"There's a sadness any time there's failings and difficulties and conflict. We own that," Litton said. "My husband and I have been praying about this. It is a very sobering and sad situation."
Are resolutions enough?
Pastor Dean Inserra, who leads City Church in Tallahassee, thinks a statement from the convention is necessary given the weeks of turmoil surrounding Patterson. But resolutions are not enough, he said.
"I think it begins by refusing to be in denial that there's a serious problem," Inserra said. "As a convention as a whole, there's a culture problem."
Inserra thinks leadership changes will help. While he does not believe women can be pastors, Inserra thinks women should hold leadership roles across the network of churches.
He also thinks electing North Carolina pastor J.D. Greer this year as president of the Southern Baptist Convention will go a long way to creating a more diverse denomination and one that emphasizes the gospel above politics, personal preferences and traditions.
"I just believe it will communicate to those who are watching that it's a new day if J.D. wins, and we critically need that to happen," Inserra said.
Pastor Tom Hatley, who leads Immanuel Baptist Church in Arkansas, thinks approving a resolution addressing the mistreatment of women would be a good message for the convention to send.
However, Hatley thinks the Southern Baptist Convention's biggest concern right now is not about the mistreatment of women, but how the accusations against Patterson were handled by Southwestern seminary's leadership.
Patterson's ousting continues to divide
"This was error in thinking that our convention didn't solve things by protocol but they did it by using public forums to push an agenda," Hatley said. "If that's what we're going to become, we will devour one another and we will cease to exist in a couple of years because no organization can survive when it behaves this way."
He is calling for the executive committee of the seminary's board of trustees to step down. Hatley takes issue with the executive committee firing Patterson one week after the full board removed him as the seminary's top leader and made him president emeritus.
Megan Cassell, a Southern Baptist churchgoer from Chattanooga, Tenn., disagrees. She is one of the thousands of women to sign a letter to the board raising concerns about Patterson's remarks. She is very thankful Southwestern seminary's leadership made the decision it did.
"It is a good feeling as a woman to see these consequences play out in front of me," Cassell said. "It's very healing. It's very encouraging."
While she will not be attending the annual meeting, she is hopeful the convention will continue to make progress on improving how women are treated. Cassell thinks the conversation needs to continue.
"Our weapon against this stuff happening is to talk about it," Cassell said. "Not just to talk about it, but to take it seriously."
That's what she plans to do.
Contact: hmeyer@tennessean.com