| Erie Bishop Persico Only Bishop to Testify before Grand Jury Investigating Clergy Sex Abuse
By Paul Wagner
Erie News Now
June 6, 2018
Bishop Lawrence Persico
There is new information about the grand jury investigation into clergy sex abuse in Erie and five other catholic dioceses around the state.
We have confirmed that Erie Bishop Lawrence Persico testified before the panel.
He was invited to do so, and testified voluntarily.
Other bishops only gave written statements.
That information came out of a ruling yesterday by the judge overseeing the panel.
The judge rejected an effort by an unknown number of people expected to be criticized when the grand jury report is released.
Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro said the report will be out by the end of this month.
The motion asked that people criticized, be allowed to mount a defense in hopes the report could be changed.
The judge said that is not allowed.
But his ruling could be appealed to the State Supreme Court.
The judge also said the grand jury went beyond just focusing on church leaders to looking at the actions of public officials.