| Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse Speak out
By Daniella Genovese
June 6, 2018
Most of the local priests have passed away before these accusations but the victims of the clergy sexual abuse tell News10NBC that the actions of those perpetrators continue to haunt them every day. They say it feels like the murder of their souls.
"I have been contacted by 17 brave victims of clergy sexual abuse," says Mitchell Garabedian, attorney.
The 15 men and two women are now between the ages of 52 to 77 however, the alleged sexual abuse stemmed from when they were between 5 to 18 years old.
"They finally have the courage to come forward because it's time. This is why the statute of limitations in NY has to be amended," says Garabedian.
At this point, too much time has passed for the survivors of the sexual abuse to press criminal charges.
And while the words are hard to find, the victims feel their voices need to be heard to protect any future victims.
"The abuse, the nonsense, the evil must end."
James Faluszczak, survivor of clergy sexual abuse & former priest says "you are not alone. Even if it may feel your soul has been murdered, you are not alone. People are waiting to help you."
Faluszczak says he was sexually abused while in his teens by a member of the Catholic church in Erie, Pennsylvania.
"I went to the church to find mentors. It was in the midst of my vulnerability that my perpetrator molested me."
He believes the man responsible began grooming him for future abuse at just five years old. He says the priest worked to get close to his family and would take information from his parent's confessions to use against him.
"He knew right when I was at my most vulnerable."
While it is difficult for Faluszczak and other survivors to speak about the sexual abuse, just from the media coverage Wednesday another Rochester victim has already come forward to find a road to recovery.
Victims of the clergy sexual abuse are encouraged to contact civil authorities. To receive any sort of help or guidance from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester contact Victim Assistance Coordinator Deborah Housel at (585) 328-3210 ext. 1555 or toll-free at 1-800-388-7177. You can also send an email to victimsassistance@dor.org