| Statement of Attorney General Josh Shapiro on Sexual Abuse Investigation Within Catholic Church
Office of the Attorney General
May 21, 2018
“Today, in a reversal of their position, the bishops and dioceses of Greensburg and Harrisburg agreed to make public the results of a grand jury investigation of widespread sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. I commend Bishop Malesic and Bishop Gainer for doing the right thing,” Attorney General Josh Shapiro said.
“Now all of the dioceses support the release of the investigation’s findings and results.”
“Victims of this sexual abuse deserve the right to tell their stories to the people of Pennsylvania. That is why my legal team and I have worked tirelessly to have each diocese agree to give victims the opportunity to be heard.”
“I expect to speak publicly on this comprehensive investigation by the end of June. The only thing that could stop these findings from becoming public at that time is if one of the bishops or dioceses would seek to delay or prevent this public accounting.”