Notice 1: Presentment re Rev. David Poulson
Fortieth Statewide Investigating Grand JuryIn the Court of Common Pleas, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
May 08, 2018
[with pdf]
On February 28, 2018, Victim 1 was interviewed by OAG Special Agent Steve Adametz ("Agent Adametz"). Victim 1, who is presently 23-years old, was born in Wisconsin and his family moved to Pennsylvania when he was seven or eight years of age. Upon arrival in Pennsylvania, the Catholic Church played a major role in his family's life because they were new to the area. Victim 1 related that his parents believed that the local priest, a young man in his late 20s, would be a good role model for their children. That priest was Poulson. Victim 1 became very close with Poulson and viewed him as a friend who would take him places, buy him things, and go camping with him. Poulson was a welcomed and frequent visitor to his family's home.
Victim 1 informed Agent Adametz that Poulson began to sexually molest him when he was approximately eight-years-old. The abuse continued until he was 16. The abuse involved Poulson kissing Victim 1's lips, kissing his neck, and sucking on his ear lobes. Poulson also fondled Victim 1's genitals and penis, to include masturbation. Victim 1 reported that on several occasions he was made to reciprocate this behavior on Poulson. The abuse occurred on a biweekly basis from 2002 to 2010. Poulson made Victim 1 go to confession and confess the sexual abuse to Poulson in his capacity as a priest.
Victim 1 stated that his parents encouraged him to spend time with Poulson at the church rectory and at Poulson's camp. He revealed that he was sexually assaulted by Poulson at the rectories at St. Michael's in Fryberg and at St. Anthony's in Cambridge Springs. The abuse at the rectories usually occurred on Sundays, after the victim served as an altar boy at mass. When asked to estimate the number of times that he was assaulted at the rectories, Victim 1 stated that it occurred in excess of 20 occasions. With respect to Poulson's camp, Victim 1 advised Agent Adametz that he was assaulted at that location between five and 10 times. He described this hunting camp as being in a very remote location in either Clarion or Jefferson County and that it took approximately 10 minutes to reach it after turning off the road. According to Victim 1, the cabin was a small, one-room, one-floor structure that was approximately 16 feet long by eight feet wide. It was made of rough cut pine and had no heat, electricity or water. Victim 1 further described a rocky fire pit in the front of the structure and a covered front porch that could fit two rocking chairs. He advised Agent Adametz that the camp was always In good shape and "new looking." [Excerpt from pp. 4-5]