| Letter about 2000 Bad Axe Priest Sex Case Leads Some to Question Prosecutor's Motives
ABC 12
May 3, 2018
[with video]
Saginaw County Assistant Prosecutor Mark Gaertner
It's an investigation that has rocked the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw.
A priest faces trial, accused of sex abuse.
After the arrest of Robert DeLand, the diocese released the names of five priests who were removed from the ministry years ago because of suspected sex abuse.
There was actually a police investigation on one of the priests.
A letter sent in 2004 by the lead investigator into claims of sexual abuse in the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw has some church officials questioning his motives.
ABC12's Terry Camp investigates.
In part II on ABC12 News at 11 p.m., a spokesman for the diocese has a different take on Gaertner's letter.
You'll hear more about what the letter says and how some believe it relates to the current investigations.