| Willow Creek Elders Admit Failure in Holding Bill Hybels "Accountable," Will Examine New Allegations
By Leonardo Blair
Christian Post
April 23, 2018
The elder board of the storied Willow Creek Community Church in suburban Chicago asked for grace this past weekend as they admitted to failing to hold the church's founder, Bill Hybels, "accountable to specific boundaries" as more women alleged he behaved improperly around them.
Responding to newer allegations that were not previously investigated, the elder board revealed that they have engaged in deep introspection and now realized how they could have responded better as the claims were first made against Hybels.
"Over the last several weeks, we have been in a process of deep learning, seeking clarity, and building a path toward reconciliation. Even though Bill is no longer in his role, our work to resolve any shadow of doubt in the trustworthiness of Willow Creek Community Church and its Elders is not done," the elders said in a letter to the Willow Creek church community Saturday. "As a board, we unanimously agree there are several areas where we could have served you better."